The River Bann provides complete protection and all-round shelter. River access is straightforward between well-lit stone training walls assisted by alignment beacons and leading lights. The entrance, however, is subject to swell, outflow overfalls and dangerous surf occurs in moderately adverse conditions where careful planning is required. In the worst case, with north and northwest gales, the sea breaks right across it rendering it impassable. Consequently, no attempt should be made by a newcomer in any onshore winds of Force 6 or above.
Keyfacts for The Lower River Bann
None listedNature
Protected sectors
Last modified
January 31st 2023 Summary
A completely protected location with careful navigation required for access.Facilities
None listedNature
Position and approaches
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Haven position
This is just over 1 mile from the entrance in the first leg of the river behind the sandhills.
What is the initial fix?
The following River Bann Entrance Initial Fix will set up a final approach:

What are the key points of the approach?
Offshore details are available in northeast Ireland’s Coastal Overview for Malin Head to Strangford Lough
and the River Bann approaches are detailed in the Coleraine
Not what you need?
Click the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to progress through neighbouring havens in a coastal 'clockwise' or 'anti-clockwise' sequence. Below are the ten nearest havens to The Lower River Bann for your convenience.
Ten nearest havens by straight line charted distance and bearing:
- Seatons Marina - 1.9 nautical miles ESE
- Coleraine - 2.7 nautical miles ESE
- Portrush Harbour - 3.9 nautical miles NE
- White Bay - 7.2 nautical miles WNW
- Portnocker - 7.3 nautical miles WNW
- Cornashamma Bay - 7.5 nautical miles WNW
- Portballintrae - 7.5 nautical miles ENE
- Portkill - 7.8 nautical miles NW
- Silver Strand - 7.8 nautical miles WNW
- Magilligan Point - 7.8 nautical miles WNW
These havens are ordered by straight line charted distance and bearing, and can be reordered by compass direction or coastal sequence:
- Seatons Marina - 1.9 miles ESE
- Coleraine - 2.7 miles ESE
- Portrush Harbour - 3.9 miles NE
- White Bay - 7.2 miles WNW
- Portnocker - 7.3 miles WNW
- Cornashamma Bay - 7.5 miles WNW
- Portballintrae - 7.5 miles ENE
- Portkill - 7.8 miles NW
- Silver Strand - 7.8 miles WNW
- Magilligan Point - 7.8 miles WNW
What's the story here?

Image: Tourism NI
The River Bann is the longest river in Ulster, with the Lower and Upper Bann combined its length is 129 km or 80 miles. Exiting into the Atlantic at Barmouth, on the north coast, the river winds its way from its source in the Mourne Mountains, situated in the southeast corner of Northern Ireland, pausing in the middle to widen into the enormous Lough Neagh. For vessels carrying any air draught, the navigable stretch of water is the river's first 4 miles up to Coleraine whereupon it is crossed by a bridge with 1.8 metres HAT.

Image: Michael Harpur
For these first 4 miles, the broad and attractive waterway carries 3 metres and is well-marked by lit beacons all the way. This is the first of the popular anchoring and the first location usually availed of within the entrance about 1 mile inside and behind the sand dunes. Known locally as Dougan’s Bay it has 2 to 3 metres and excellent holding over mud. The Coleraine Yacht Club reportedly maintained moorings here marked by yellow buoys that are available for the use of visiting craft.
How to get in?

Image: Michael Harpur
Image: Tourism Ireland
A vessel can effectively anchor anywhere in the river provided they are close to the edge as possible and not obstructing the fairway for commercial shipping. Vessels anchored in the river must carry an anchor light throughout the night.
Why visit here?
The River Bann derives its name from the Irish 'An Bhanna'. This name itself stems from the earlier name 'Banda' which is the conjunction of the words 'ban' and 'dea' meaning 'a goddess'. Naming rivers after deities was not uncommon in pagan Ireland, Wexford's 'Bann' and Cork's 'Bandon' have similar origins.
Image: Tourism NI
Northern Ireland's River Bann is a significant river being Ulster's longest, and it ranks amongst a handful of others that contend for being the longest in Ireland. The river flows for a total of 129 kilometres, or 80 miles, from the Mountains of Mourne to Barmouth. It is a river made up of two halves; the Upper and Lower Bann. The Upper Bann is where the river rises in the Mourne Mountains. It flows from here into the enormous Lough Neagh which is the largest inland lough in the British Isles. The Lower Bann flows from the northern end of the Lough, through Lough Beg, to Barmouth and it is tidal for its last 11 km.

Image: Michael Harpur
The Upper Bann flows 64 kilometres, 40 miles, into Lough Neagh at Bannfoot, County Armagh. This stretch is one of the most popular coarse fishing rivers in Europe. At Portadown, the Upper Bann was connected to the now-disused Newry Canal. This linked Lough Neagh with Warrenpoint

Image: Michael Harpur
The Lower Bann flows from Lough Neagh at Toome to the Atlantic Ocean at Portstewart creating the border between County Antrim and County Londonderry. It is very popular with water sports enthusiasts, anglers and cruisers. The river is 64 kilometres, 40 miles, long and is a canalised waterway with five navigation locks at Toome, Portna, Movanagher, Carnroe and Castleroe. This 51 km, 38 miles, is canalised and navigable from Barmouth to Lough Neagh. It has just five locks, including a double lock, and long stretches of open water. Boats no larger than 30 metres, beam 6.0 metres, draft 1.3 metres plus a maximum air draft of 3.3 metres at low water neaps can comfortably cruise to Lough Neagh. Directions for this passage may be obtained from the Department of Agriculture at The Cuts,

Image: Tourism NI
For a smaller vessel, dropping the mast and going all the way through to Lough Neagh is a very attractive proposition. This is a beautiful run with green fields and natural woodlands on the riverbanks plus salmon fishing off the boat. Lough Neagh's 396 square km, 153 square miles, 24km wide and 29km long, and 12 metres deep, offers sailing freedom without any airdraft restrictions. It is extremely popular for sailing regattas and further serves as a base for numerous canoeing, rowing and sailing clubs that are active throughout the year. The shores of the Lough are steeped in Ireland's most ancient history. For instance, the 9,000-year-old human artefacts discovered at Toome Bay are amongst the oldest in Ireland. Add to this Mountsandel, close to Coleraine

Image: Tourism Ireland
The anchorage at the river mouth provides an opportunity to explore Barmouth and mile upon mile of golden sand, surf and solitude. It is a short walk to Castlerock which is very popular with summer tourists and with golfers, Castlerock Golf Club has both 9-hole and 18-hole links courses bounded by the beach, the River Bann. At the Castlerock's crossroads is the picture-postcard traditional thatched cottage Hezlett House. It is one of Northern Ireland’s oldest surviving buildings and it has exhibits on rural Irish life in the 17th century.

Image: James Stringer via CC BY 2.0
Local historical interest here is concentrated on the 18th-century Bishop of Derry's ruin of Downhill House, the Mussenden Temple on the clifftop, and the Black Glen set within the Downhill Estate. The palace and estate were created between 1774 and 1778 by Frederick Hervey, 4th Earl of Bristol who was the Bishop of Derry in the 1780s. The diminutive Mussenden Temple can be seen for miles dramatically perched on the eroding basalt cliff edge 120ft above the enormously long Downhill Strand. Its classic domed rotunda is said to be modelled on the Temple of Vesta in Rome and was built by Hervey in honour of his cousin Mrs Frideswide Mussenden who died aged 22 before it was completed.

Image: Kent Wang via CC BY 2.0
The walls, made of basalt faced with sandstone, open out at the four points of the compass to three windows and an entrance. Its prominent inscription translates to "It is agreeable to watch, from land, someone else involved in a great struggle while winds whip up the waves out at sea." Most likely this referred to the day of sail when ships aplenty entered the North Channel in rough conditions. The temple was designed for use as a library and went on to be used as a summer library, but some stories also have it that the flamboyant Bishop intended it as an elaborate boudoir for his mistress.

Image: Kent Wang via CC BY 2.0
Hervey's character can be seen in many stories such as in having the generosity, not to mention a remarkable lack of prejudice for the time, to allow the local priest to say a weekly Mass for his Roman Catholic tenants in the temple, as there was no local Catholic church. The bishop also sponsored horseback races between his clergy on the Downhill strand below.

Image: Tourism Ireland
His former residence, the nearby Downhill Demesne, was sadly gutted by fire and is now little more than an impressive shell. The temple was saved from collapsing over the edge when the site was taken over by the National Trust and the Demesne is now open daily. Downhill House is a ruin, but its sheltered gardens remain and there are walks through the surrounding parkland, colourful gardens and woodland walks. From Downhill Palace it’s possible to take the Bishop’s Road, constructed at Hervey’s bidding, southwards to reach Mount Binevenagh and its fabulous viewpoints. Unfortunately, the Mussenden Temple's interior is not accessible but the grandeur of this iconic building can be enjoyed from the outside alongside its magnificent views of the Londonderry and Antrim coastline. It is today one of the most photographed scenes in Ireland and it is now a popular wedding venue.

Image: Kent Wang via CC BY 2.0
Those who come in and anchor immediately within Barmouth will find the Bann Estuary a Special Site of Scientific Interest and a National Trust Nature Reserve. This is because it hosts at least four thousand overwintering wildfowl and wading birds. This area is also the site of some of U.K's rarest, coastal plants and flowers. The route of the Lower Bann is also accompanied by the two National Cycle Networks of the thirty-three-mile-long NCN Route 96 from Toome to Coleraine and the forty miles long NCN Route 93 from Coleraine to Castlerock.

Image: Kent Wang via CC BY 2.0
The Lower Bann is not just a convenient location off the major seaways with a perfectly secure anchorage, it is a destination for boaters who may avail of a wide range of local activities the river has to offer and its extended cruising. The anchorage at the river mouth provides immediate access to the wonderful Portstuart and Castlerock beaches and it is a convenient place to explore the river's training walls. It is a place to enjoy where it meets the sea, where sand dunes dominate before it morphs into a placid meandering country river.
What facilities are available?
There are no facilities at this remote anchorage. Four miles upriver Coleraine has a long commercial quay that is close to the busy town plus a marina, and all facilities are available there.Any security concerns?
Never an issue known to have occurred to a boat on anchor in the River Bann.With thanks to:
Terry Crawford, local boatman of many decades.The Barmouth and Dougan's Bay, River Bann at sunrise
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