Blacksod Pier lies on the northwest coast of Ireland, to the north of Achill Island and on the southeastern extremity of the Mullet Peninsula. It provides visitor moorings off the pier and an anchorage close north.
The anchorage provides good protection, even from westerly gales, and the various bays around the wider Blacksod Bay makes it possible to find complete protection from any wind direction. The bay may be safely approached at any time of the day, at any stage of the tide and in all reasonable conditions.
Keyfacts for Blacksod Pier
A completely protected location with safe access.Nature
Position and approaches
Haven position
This is the head of Blacksod Pier
What is the initial fix?

What are the key points of the approach?
- A central path through the entrance between Saddle Head and the Duvillaun Islands is deep and clear of dangers.
Not what you need?
- Elly Bay - 3.5 nautical miles N
- Inishkea Island South - 5.1 nautical miles WNW
- Keel Bay - 8.3 nautical miles S
- Frenchport (Portnafrankagh) - 8.5 nautical miles N
- Keem Bay - 9.2 nautical miles SSW
- Broadhaven Bay - 10.9 nautical miles NNE
- Ross Port - 14.3 nautical miles NE
- Portacloy Bay - 17.1 nautical miles NE
- Porturlin Bay - 18.1 nautical miles NE
- Clare Island - 18.4 nautical miles SSE
- Elly Bay - 3.5 miles N
- Inishkea Island South - 5.1 miles WNW
- Keel Bay - 8.3 miles S
- Frenchport (Portnafrankagh) - 8.5 miles N
- Keem Bay - 9.2 miles SSW
- Broadhaven Bay - 10.9 miles NNE
- Ross Port - 14.3 miles NE
- Portacloy Bay - 17.1 miles NE
- Porturlin Bay - 18.1 miles NE
- Clare Island - 18.4 miles SSE
What's the story here?

Image: Tourism Ireland
Blacksod Bay opens to the Atlantic Ocean at its southern end and is bounded on its western side by the Mullet Peninsula and on its eastern side by the mainland coast of County Mayo. The bay is a large open lake-like bay about 9 miles long and 3 miles wide and is surrounded by low lying land and sandhills and dunes. Blacksod Pier is situated on a point that extends from the shore a ⅓ mile west-northwest of Blacksod Point upon the western entrance to the bay. It is rendered unmistakable by a square tower granite light structure on a dwelling, 12 metres high, standing near the root of the small pier. The small original old stone pier has had a modern 50-metre extension added that makes for an 'L' shape. It has a depth of 3 metres at MHWS and has a narrow channel dredged alongside its wall to provide sufficient water for the local boats to lie afloat.

Image: Tourism Ireland
The pier is typically congested with the local fishing fleet but seasonal moorings for visitors are situated adjacent to it in the bay. Likewise, vessels can anchor, over sand with good holding, in depths of in excess of 4 metres within the small bight that lies north of the quay and between it Doonbeg Point. This offers excellent protection from westerly conditions.
Although the anchoring area is exposed to easterly component winds, there are many smaller bays within the main bay where it is always possible to find protection from any wind direction and hence the rating of complete protection. Elly Bay, less than five miles northward of Blacksod Point, is generally considered the most sheltered anchorage but it does not have the convenience of the pier to land upon.
How to get in?
It can be considered a reliable port of refuge as it provides safe access in most all reasonable conditions and shelter from all winds may be secured by moving around within the wider bay. However, the helm needs to note that during heavy westerlies, a swell usually sets through the entrance and breaks on the shoals fronting Duvillaun More. Likewise, heavy squalls can also sweep down from the mountains on Achill Island during strong southerlies and a precautionary reef is always advisable. As such, should a vessel be running in before a westerly gale it is advisable to keep well to the south of Duvillaun Island, to avoid the heavy breakers that occur there during heavy and unsettled conditions. But during heavy southerly winds, it is better to keep towards this side of the entrance, on account of the flaws and violent gusts of the wind that come from the Achill Mountains, that sailing vessels must particularly guard against.

Image: Keith Ewing CC BY-SA 2.0
From seaward, Achill Head, the western extremity of Achill Island and a precipitous headland, is a prominent seamark that rises to an elevation of 664 metres within 2 miles of its extremity.

Image: MikaLaureque via CC ASA 4.0
Black Rock – lighthouse Fl WR 12s 22/16M position: 54° 04. 061’N, 010° 19.222’W
Surgeview Point, the southwestern extremity of the Mullet Peninsula.

Image: Tourism Ireland
A central path is deep and clear of dangers and it is advisable to stand well off the Duvillaun Islands as shoal can occur in their vicinity. Keeping Black Rock Light on a bearing more than 276° T, astern, should keep a vessel in the middle of the fairway at night.
Image: Keith Ewing CC BY-SA 2.0
In settled conditions, it is possible to pass between the Inishkeas and the Mullet Peninsula on the alignment of 198° T of Turduvillaun, the little western hummocky islet off Duvillaun More, and the Ears of Achill, 5¾ miles farther along south-by-southwest, as best seen on Admiralty Chart 2704. This alignment passes 300 metres east of Pluddany, the single danger along its path that is a long and dangerous ledge, extend across the channel to a distance of half a mile from the south-east point of North Inishkea.
In fine weather, with moderate or no swell, it is possible to take a short cut through Duvillaun Sound. The sound is about a ½ mile wide and lies between Duvillaun Beg and Keely Island on the south, Gaghta Island and Leamareha on the north. The alignment of the leading marks on Inishkea South, white pile beacons on the summit and foreshore on 307° T, leads through the sound with a least charted depth of 6.7 metres LAT.
Blacksod Lighthouse, at the southeastern end of the Mullet Peninsula and at the root of the pier and entrance to Blacksod Bay makes the position of the harbour unmistakable.

Image: Keith Ewing CC BY-SA 2.0
At night, when the light on Blacksod Quay bears less than 0.18°T alter course to pass
southeastward of the Blacksod Light buoy and then for the anchorage.

Image: Keith Ewing CC BY-SA 2.0

Should the berth become uncomfortable the wide range of nearby opportunities in Blacksod Bay, as a whole, provides many secure anchorages with good shelter and straightforward access by day or night in all weathers. Just keep a sharp eye out for the possibility of fish farms which may be positioned in the area.
Why visit here?
Blacksod Bay, Irish Cuan an Fhoid Duith acquired its name from heavy deposits of peat that once covered this rocky end to the Belmullet Peninsula that pokes south into the Atlantic.Starting at Erris Head and running eight miles southward, gradually tapering away to Blacksod Point, exactly opposite Slieve More, on Achill Island, the Belmullet Peninsula provides a wondering sheltering arm to mariners passing along this coast. While one side of the Mullet is exposed to the fiercest storms of the Atlantic, the other provides a wonderful expansive landlocked haven that is deep, ease of access and provides shelter from all quarters. It is often described as one of the finest bays on the west coast of Ireland.
Set in the what is probably in the remotest part of western Europe it is difficult to imagine that the bay would have a pivotal role in two of the greatest seaborne invasions ever envisaged, all on account of the weather. The first connection is to the failed Spanish Armada, the latter, the successful D-Day invasion.

Image: Public Domain
Commanded by Don Alonso Martinez Levia, knight and trece of the Order of Santiago and second in command of the Spanish Armada, she had been in the thick of the battle off of Plymouth. It is believed that she had been the first Spanish ship engaged by Drake’s fleet and had taken a beating. As one of many merchant vessels requisitioned by King Philip II for Armada service, La Rata had not been built to withstand this kind of constant punishment. Even the recoil of her own artillery would have severely strained her hull.
The aftermath of the battles and the continued drubbing of the early September gales, whilst trying to sail home around Ireland, was all proving too much. Unable to keep up with the main body of the fleet, it soon became apparent to, Don Alonso, that the ship would not make it back to Spain. With diminishing options, on the 10th of September, hounded by a ferocious storm, La Rata turned and ran for the Irish coast and on the 17th of September, limped into Blacksod Bay taking on water.

Image: Public Domain
Probably seeking shelter for his exhausted crew behind the towering bulk of Achill, Don Alonso sailed eastward as opposed to northward into the lake like waters behind the Mullet Penninsula where he could have found complete protection. Intending to get fresh water and supplies, repair some minor damage and wait for a break in the weather before heading south again he dropping anchor. The winds held strong and the strong tidal currents from Achill Sound pulled him in relentlessly. After an anxious night, the ship began to drift out of control, probably dragging what might have been an improvised anchor in the strong currents of the estuary. The outcome was inevitable and on the 21st of September La Rata ran aground in the shallows near Fahy Point in Tullaghan Bay.

Image: Public Domain
But the local English forces decided it was best not to interfere with the numerous well-armed soldiers from the shipwrecks. After some days two other ships of the Armada entered Blacksod Bay and guided, it is said, by Irish crewmen took advantage of the protective arm of the Mullet Peninsula. These were the merchantman Nuestra Señora de Begoña, 750 tons, 297 men, and the transport ship Duquesa Santa Ana, 900 tons, 23 guns, 357 men. These anchored for repairs in the perfectly sheltered Elly Bay on the western side of Blacksod Bay. Determined to bring his men back to Spain Don Alonso and his 600 men crossed the Owenmore and took Edmond Barrett's Castle, in Doolough, and all the other Barrett's Castles on the way to where the other two ships were riding at anchor. He was joined on the way by sole surviving sixteen members of the crew of another vessel, the Santiago, that had wrecked on the north shore of Clew Bay. With the combined complements of the three vessels, they crammed on board the Duquesa Santa Ana and set sail for Spain.

Image: dougf via CC BY-SA 2.0
The Nuestra Señora de Begoña sailed straight for Santander, Spain, arriving sometime later. But the Duquesa Santa Ana, was a hulk attached to the Andalusian Squadron and had all the disadvantages of their inherent inability to sail close to the wind. Over the following four days, the wind either did not blow, so they went nowhere and remained in peril of foundering on the Inishkea islands, or it blew from the wrong directions.

Image: Public Domain
Once again Don Alonso brought his men safely ashore but was himself injured by a capstan bar as he left the ship. As on the shores of Blacksod Bay, the Spaniards sought out a defensive position to see off an English attack. They chose a ruined castle on an island in Kiltoorish Lake which they set about bolstering its defences from the wreckage. A friendly local chieftain gave them assistance and it is thought that they intended to dig in and hold out until aid could be sent from Spain. But after about a week, news reached them that another Armada ship, the Girona, was at Killybegs, 19 miles to the south. A sedan chair was rigged up for the wounded Don Alonso, and with his compliment of men, estimated to have been around 1,000, complete with cannons and valuables, they made their way overland to Killybegs.

Image: Public Domain
There they found the damaged galleass Girona moored with its crew apparently trying to repair rudder damage. Another Spanish ship that had grounded at the harbour entrance was being stripped of materials and gear to effect the repair. Within a couple of weeks, early on the 26th of October, the ship set sail westward with the surviving crews, estimated to be 1,300 men and all their accumulated valuables and cannons crammed on board upon a vessel originally designed to take a total complement of 500. But rather than continuing west and then southward to Spain, they sailed for the sanctuary Scotland might offer.

Image: Public Domain

Image: Public Domain
Of the crew, there were only a handful of survivors. Two reports conflict on the number of survivors, one said there were five, and another nine, but all of them were Italians that were most likely up high working the topsails and were flung clear when the ship struck. Only 260 bodies were recovered from the sea afterwards. Most died inside the broken hull and any men who were not trapped in the ship were drowned in the surf before they reached the shore. In human terms, it is one of the most costly shipwrecks in the history of seafaring.

Image: Ian Taylor via CC BY-SA 2.0
The rebel Sorley Boy MacDonnell, the head of the Antrim Scots (1505-1590), then master of magnificent Dunluce Castle situated close by would send the handful of survivors on to Scotland. He salvaged three or four of the ship’s guns to defend the landward approach of his castle at nearby Dunluce. Some treasures his men recovered from the wreck site were used to modernise the rest of his defences. After this, the site of the shipwreck lay untouched for 380 years during which time its timbers were dissipated by the wild local seas. It was not until the summer of 1967 that the marine archaeologist Robert Sténuit, along with a team of Belgian divers, found the final site of the wreck and rediscovered an unprecedented collection of gold and jewellery - see Portballintrae

Image: Tourism Ireland
Constructed in 1864, to guide ships into the safe haven by one of the leading merchants in Belmullet at that time, the prominent Blacksod Lighthouse came to play a pivotal role in the greatest seaborne invasion the world has ever seen. It was the first days of June 1944 when the Sweeney families were its lighthouse keepers and the 21 years old Maureen Sweeney, the lighthouse keeper's wife, was taking the coastal weather readings. Although remaining neutral during World War II, Ireland continued to supply weather reports to Britain under an agreement in place since independence. Little did Maureen know, but at the time her recordings of winds just shy of Force 6 (22 - 27 knots) and plunging barometric pressure that pointed towards an impending storm arriving from the Atlantic, was causing an even bigger storm 500 miles southeastward.

Image: Public Domain
If he gave the word to 'go,' and the weather turned sour, it would likely have caused the invasion to fail. The lives of thousands of men would be lost as well as colossal amounts of vital equipment. If it is a 'no go' and the weather then turned out to be good, the Germans might sight the massive build-up on southern England and the element of surprise would be lost. Moreover, the next Spring Tide would be a full two weeks later when tides and moonlight were right and the German defences would be amply prepared to push them off.

Image: Public Domain
Ultimately it was left to him alone to make one of the most difficult decisions in the entire war. The go, no go, was only on Eisenhower's order. Whilst he poured again and again over the continuing reports from Maureen, thousands of soldiers were on their final march to embarkation points, pilots were having coffee in briefing rooms, drivers were steering their vehicles onto waiting maws of landing ships and sailors were reading the invasion fleet. None of them had an inkling of the knife-edge on which the decision to launch the invasion was balanced. This single decision could seal the fates of all of these men as well as many many more, and it could win or lose the entire war.

Image: Public Domain
In the midst of this, subsequently, readings in Blacksod was the first to pinpoint a short window of the conditions easing that provided Eisenhower with the opportunity that he needed to launch just one day later. Thereby the decision was made to 'go' on 6 June 1944, when conditions were more favourable.

Image: Public Domain
The rest, of course, is history. Interestingly, should it have gone ahead in bad conditions on June 5th it would have been a close-run thing and as it happens, had it been cancelled and pushed back two weeks later, a completely un-forecast gale rolled in that would have caused the invasion to fail in that very window. Clearly, by then the secrecy about when and where the Allies would land would have been completely lost, and the losses would have been horrendous. This, in turn, would have delayed Victory in Europe for a year when the Soviet Union might have taken control of the continent. So little did she know when she tapping the barometer and taking those wind readings in her lonely Blacksod outpost, Maureen Sweeney, was changing the path of the war.
The pretty lighthouse where she stood stands prominent at the root of the quay. Made of local granite blocks believed to have come from Termon Hill, an isolated outcrop of high-quality granite. The lighthouse is an unusual design being a square block building with only a small conical lantern on top of it. Although easily accessible, standing beside the root of Blacksod Pier, it is not open to the public. But the tradition still lives on as it as Maureen Sweeney's son, Vincent Sweeney, is the current lighthouse keeper.
From a boating perspective, this is a wonderful haven. Blacksod Bay is an ideal place to drop into during bad weather with its good access and shelter. Blacksod Quay is nearer the entrance, and therefore a handier passage anchorage and the quay makes it convenient to get ashore. The interior of the bay includes many little sheltered coves such as Elly Bay and Saleen Bay on its western shore, Trawmore Bay to the north, and Tullaghan Bay to the east. Of these Elly Bay
What facilities are available?
Diesel is available by tanker at the quay. Some limited provisions and fuel may be obtained from Blacksod village ⅔ of a mile northwestward of the quay. In general, facilities are a bit limited but Belmullet, which serves a population of about 1,000, has most of the necessary services that a visiting yachtsman require.With thanks to:
PETER CRAVEN and Michael Harpur eOceanic.comAbout Blacksod Pier
Blacksod Bay, Irish Cuan an Fhoid Duith acquired its name from heavy deposits of peat that once covered this rocky end to the Belmullet Peninsula that pokes south into the Atlantic.
Starting at Erris Head and running eight miles southward, gradually tapering away to Blacksod Point, exactly opposite Slieve More, on Achill Island, the Belmullet Peninsula provides a wondering sheltering arm to mariners passing along this coast. While one side of the Mullet is exposed to the fiercest storms of the Atlantic, the other provides a wonderful expansive landlocked haven that is deep, ease of access and provides shelter from all quarters. It is often described as one of the finest bays on the west coast of Ireland.
Set in the what is probably in the remotest part of western Europe it is difficult to imagine that the bay would have a pivotal role in two of the greatest seaborne invasions ever envisaged, all on account of the weather. The first connection is to the failed Spanish Armada, the latter, the successful D-Day invasion.

Image: Public Domain
Commanded by Don Alonso Martinez Levia, knight and trece of the Order of Santiago and second in command of the Spanish Armada, she had been in the thick of the battle off of Plymouth. It is believed that she had been the first Spanish ship engaged by Drake’s fleet and had taken a beating. As one of many merchant vessels requisitioned by King Philip II for Armada service, La Rata had not been built to withstand this kind of constant punishment. Even the recoil of her own artillery would have severely strained her hull.
The aftermath of the battles and the continued drubbing of the early September gales, whilst trying to sail home around Ireland, was all proving too much. Unable to keep up with the main body of the fleet, it soon became apparent to, Don Alonso, that the ship would not make it back to Spain. With diminishing options, on the 10th of September, hounded by a ferocious storm, La Rata turned and ran for the Irish coast and on the 17th of September, limped into Blacksod Bay taking on water.

Image: Public Domain
Probably seeking shelter for his exhausted crew behind the towering bulk of Achill, Don Alonso sailed eastward as opposed to northward into the lake like waters behind the Mullet Penninsula where he could have found complete protection. Intending to get fresh water and supplies, repair some minor damage and wait for a break in the weather before heading south again he dropping anchor. The winds held strong and the strong tidal currents from Achill Sound pulled him in relentlessly. After an anxious night, the ship began to drift out of control, probably dragging what might have been an improvised anchor in the strong currents of the estuary. The outcome was inevitable and on the 21st of September La Rata ran aground in the shallows near Fahy Point in Tullaghan Bay.

Image: Public Domain
But the local English forces decided it was best not to interfere with the numerous well-armed soldiers from the shipwrecks. After some days two other ships of the Armada entered Blacksod Bay and guided, it is said, by Irish crewmen took advantage of the protective arm of the Mullet Peninsula. These were the merchantman Nuestra Señora de Begoña, 750 tons, 297 men, and the transport ship Duquesa Santa Ana, 900 tons, 23 guns, 357 men. These anchored for repairs in the perfectly sheltered Elly Bay on the western side of Blacksod Bay. Determined to bring his men back to Spain Don Alonso and his 600 men crossed the Owenmore and took Edmond Barrett's Castle, in Doolough, and all the other Barrett's Castles on the way to where the other two ships were riding at anchor. He was joined on the way by sole surviving sixteen members of the crew of another vessel, the Santiago, that had wrecked on the north shore of Clew Bay. With the combined complements of the three vessels, they crammed on board the Duquesa Santa Ana and set sail for Spain.

Image: dougf via CC BY-SA 2.0
The Nuestra Señora de Begoña sailed straight for Santander, Spain, arriving sometime later. But the Duquesa Santa Ana, was a hulk attached to the Andalusian Squadron and had all the disadvantages of their inherent inability to sail close to the wind. Over the following four days, the wind either did not blow, so they went nowhere and remained in peril of foundering on the Inishkea islands, or it blew from the wrong directions.

Image: Public Domain
Once again Don Alonso brought his men safely ashore but was himself injured by a capstan bar as he left the ship. As on the shores of Blacksod Bay, the Spaniards sought out a defensive position to see off an English attack. They chose a ruined castle on an island in Kiltoorish Lake which they set about bolstering its defences from the wreckage. A friendly local chieftain gave them assistance and it is thought that they intended to dig in and hold out until aid could be sent from Spain. But after about a week, news reached them that another Armada ship, the Girona, was at Killybegs, 19 miles to the south. A sedan chair was rigged up for the wounded Don Alonso, and with his compliment of men, estimated to have been around 1,000, complete with cannons and valuables, they made their way overland to Killybegs.

Image: Public Domain
There they found the damaged galleass Girona moored with its crew apparently trying to repair rudder damage. Another Spanish ship that had grounded at the harbour entrance was being stripped of materials and gear to effect the repair. Within a couple of weeks, early on the 26th of October, the ship set sail westward with the surviving crews, estimated to be 1,300 men and all their accumulated valuables and cannons crammed on board upon a vessel originally designed to take a total complement of 500. But rather than continuing west and then southward to Spain, they sailed for the sanctuary Scotland might offer.

Image: Public Domain

Image: Public Domain
Of the crew, there were only a handful of survivors. Two reports conflict on the number of survivors, one said there were five, and another nine, but all of them were Italians that were most likely up high working the topsails and were flung clear when the ship struck. Only 260 bodies were recovered from the sea afterwards. Most died inside the broken hull and any men who were not trapped in the ship were drowned in the surf before they reached the shore. In human terms, it is one of the most costly shipwrecks in the history of seafaring.

Image: Ian Taylor via CC BY-SA 2.0
The rebel Sorley Boy MacDonnell, the head of the Antrim Scots (1505-1590), then master of magnificent Dunluce Castle situated close by would send the handful of survivors on to Scotland. He salvaged three or four of the ship’s guns to defend the landward approach of his castle at nearby Dunluce. Some treasures his men recovered from the wreck site were used to modernise the rest of his defences. After this, the site of the shipwreck lay untouched for 380 years during which time its timbers were dissipated by the wild local seas. It was not until the summer of 1967 that the marine archaeologist Robert Sténuit, along with a team of Belgian divers, found the final site of the wreck and rediscovered an unprecedented collection of gold and jewellery - see Portballintrae

Image: Tourism Ireland
Constructed in 1864, to guide ships into the safe haven by one of the leading merchants in Belmullet at that time, the prominent Blacksod Lighthouse came to play a pivotal role in the greatest seaborne invasion the world has ever seen. It was the first days of June 1944 when the Sweeney families were its lighthouse keepers and the 21 years old Maureen Sweeney, the lighthouse keeper's wife, was taking the coastal weather readings. Although remaining neutral during World War II, Ireland continued to supply weather reports to Britain under an agreement in place since independence. Little did Maureen know, but at the time her recordings of winds just shy of Force 6 (22 - 27 knots) and plunging barometric pressure that pointed towards an impending storm arriving from the Atlantic, was causing an even bigger storm 500 miles southeastward.

Image: Public Domain
If he gave the word to 'go,' and the weather turned sour, it would likely have caused the invasion to fail. The lives of thousands of men would be lost as well as colossal amounts of vital equipment. If it is a 'no go' and the weather then turned out to be good, the Germans might sight the massive build-up on southern England and the element of surprise would be lost. Moreover, the next Spring Tide would be a full two weeks later when tides and moonlight were right and the German defences would be amply prepared to push them off.

Image: Public Domain
Ultimately it was left to him alone to make one of the most difficult decisions in the entire war. The go, no go, was only on Eisenhower's order. Whilst he poured again and again over the continuing reports from Maureen, thousands of soldiers were on their final march to embarkation points, pilots were having coffee in briefing rooms, drivers were steering their vehicles onto waiting maws of landing ships and sailors were reading the invasion fleet. None of them had an inkling of the knife-edge on which the decision to launch the invasion was balanced. This single decision could seal the fates of all of these men as well as many many more, and it could win or lose the entire war.

Image: Public Domain
In the midst of this, subsequently, readings in Blacksod was the first to pinpoint a short window of the conditions easing that provided Eisenhower with the opportunity that he needed to launch just one day later. Thereby the decision was made to 'go' on 6 June 1944, when conditions were more favourable.

Image: Public Domain
The rest, of course, is history. Interestingly, should it have gone ahead in bad conditions on June 5th it would have been a close-run thing and as it happens, had it been cancelled and pushed back two weeks later, a completely un-forecast gale rolled in that would have caused the invasion to fail in that very window. Clearly, by then the secrecy about when and where the Allies would land would have been completely lost, and the losses would have been horrendous. This, in turn, would have delayed Victory in Europe for a year when the Soviet Union might have taken control of the continent. So little did she know when she tapping the barometer and taking those wind readings in her lonely Blacksod outpost, Maureen Sweeney, was changing the path of the war.
The pretty lighthouse where she stood stands prominent at the root of the quay. Made of local granite blocks believed to have come from Termon Hill, an isolated outcrop of high-quality granite. The lighthouse is an unusual design being a square block building with only a small conical lantern on top of it. Although easily accessible, standing beside the root of Blacksod Pier, it is not open to the public. But the tradition still lives on as it as Maureen Sweeney's son, Vincent Sweeney, is the current lighthouse keeper.
From a boating perspective, this is a wonderful haven. Blacksod Bay is an ideal place to drop into during bad weather with its good access and shelter. Blacksod Quay is nearer the entrance, and therefore a handier passage anchorage and the quay makes it convenient to get ashore. The interior of the bay includes many little sheltered coves such as Elly Bay and Saleen Bay on its western shore, Trawmore Bay to the north, and Tullaghan Bay to the east. Of these Elly Bay
Other options in this area
Inishkea Island South - 3.2 miles WNW
Frenchport (Portnafrankagh) - 5.2 miles N
Broadhaven Bay - 6.8 miles NNE
Ross Port - 8.8 miles NE
Keel Bay - 5.2 miles S
Rabbit Island - 13.2 miles SE
Westport - 15.6 miles SE
Rosmoney (Collan More Harbour) - 13.9 miles SE
Navigational pictures
These additional images feature in the 'How to get in' section of our detailed view for Blacksod Pier.


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Add your review or comment:
Sean Hunt wrote this review on Aug 12th 2023:
Blacksod pier Moorings occupied by local boats. Moved north & found Elly Bay occupied by a marine farm. Moved further north to Saleen Bay & anchored in sand. Anchor dragged overnight so not good holding. July 2021
Average Rating: UnratedDiarmuid Connon wrote this review on Jul 24th 2023:
Easy location to access at all states of time and tide. Council maintains 3/4 moorings which appear to be free to use. Una's pub is a welcoming and friendly spot, the owner even offering us a run to Belmullet if we needed supplies!
Somewhat exposed to wind from the N-NE as the fetch running South from Belmullet builds up over 5 miles of open water. Uncomforable anchorage in N-NE winds greater than F4, not sure where better options lie as we just opted to grin and bear it as a gale blew down Blacksod Bay.
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