Keyfacts for Porturlin Bay
Last modified
May 30th 2017 Summary* Restrictions apply
An exposed location with straightforward access.Facilities
Position and approaches
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Haven position
this is the position at the quay at Portcurlin.
What is the initial fix?
The following Porturlin Bay initial fix will set up a final approach:

Not what you need?
Click the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to progress through neighbouring havens in a coastal 'clockwise' or 'anti-clockwise' sequence. Below are the ten nearest havens to Porturlin Bay for your convenience.
Ten nearest havens by straight line charted distance and bearing:
- Portacloy Bay - 2.6 nautical miles WNW
- Ross Port - 4 nautical miles WSW
- Belderg Harbour - 5.6 nautical miles E
- Broadhaven Bay - 7.5 nautical miles WSW
- Frenchport (Portnafrankagh) - 13.9 nautical miles WSW
- Elly Bay - 15.9 nautical miles SW
- Kilcummin - 17.8 nautical miles E
- Blacksod Pier - 18.1 nautical miles SW
- Killala Bay - 18.5 nautical miles ESE
- Inishkea Island South - 21 nautical miles SW
These havens are ordered by straight line charted distance and bearing, and can be reordered by compass direction or coastal sequence:
- Portacloy Bay - 2.6 miles WNW
- Ross Port - 4 miles WSW
- Belderg Harbour - 5.6 miles E
- Broadhaven Bay - 7.5 miles WSW
- Frenchport (Portnafrankagh) - 13.9 miles WSW
- Elly Bay - 15.9 miles SW
- Kilcummin - 17.8 miles E
- Blacksod Pier - 18.1 miles SW
- Killala Bay - 18.5 miles ESE
- Inishkea Island South - 21 miles SW
How to get in?

Porturlin Bay, Irish : Port Durlainne, is an inlet off the North Atlantic Ocean located 2.5 miles east of Portacloy Bay past Pig Island, situated between Benwee Head and the Stags of Broad Haven, and Killala Bay, on the northern coast of County Mayo, on the west coast of Ireland.
The 24 mile stretch of coast from Broad Haven Bay to Killala Bay is most inhospitable as there is no completely safe anchorage, and no shelter from the usual swell and fierce gusts from off the cliffs. The coast is sparsely inhabited and there is little attraction in attempting a landing. However, in really quiet weather or in a southerly breeze, the cliffs some of which are 150 metres high are an unforgettable spectacle, and there are five small coves each with a small slip on its west side where a landing might be effected. Portacloy and Belderg are the best of these and a yacht might find them a useful passage anchorage.
The cliffs to the east of Broad Haven are truly awe inspiring but hidden among the craggy headlands is the small inlet of Porturlin Bay whose only village Porturlin lies at the head of a shallow cove. The small north facing cove of Porturlin is only 0.25 miles wide at its entrance and extends southwards for a distance of no more than 0.5 mile. Off the northeast and immediately in front of the entrance lies the bare rock Carrickduff and to the northwest is Glassillaun, the mouth of the harbour is narrow and the ground outside it is steep blocking sight of most of the land features.
Porturlin is a small fishing village and although the harbour is more sheltered than its near neighbour Portacloy, it is less spacious and the holding ground is reportedly poor, and it is also almost entirely taken up with fishing boat moorings.
Why visit here?
As the holding in the harbour is said to be poor a long stay at this location is probably not advisable, although a landing is possible alongside fishing boats at the small quay or by dinghy at the adjacent slipway. The land around the head of the bay is exceptionally barren and the village of Porturlin has no facilities for the visitor except for a fresh water hosepipe available on the roadside at the harbour, and surprisingly a small post office. The local shellfish company which employs about 20 people are specialists in the preparation and production of crab related products and if you approach them nicely you may be able to purchase some fresh crab for a tasty meal.Half a mile to the west of the entrance to Porturlin Bay is Pig Island, Irish : Oilean na Muice, so named for its amazing pig like appearance when seen from east or west. The island is splendidly bisected by a sea arch at the centre and the view of the arch alone warrants a visit, the landward side of the roof of the arch is the jowl of the pig. The island when viewed from the sea appears to be attached to the land behind.
Again this location is probably best used as a bolt hole against some rough weather whilst riding out the storm before continuing on your journey.
What facilities are available?
Except for a fresh water hosepipe on the roadside at the harbour and a small post office at the nearby village, there are no other facilities at this location.With thanks to:
inyourfootsteps.com site research
About Porturlin Bay
As the holding in the harbour is said to be poor a long stay at this location is probably not advisable, although a landing is possible alongside fishing boats at the small quay or by dinghy at the adjacent slipway. The land around the head of the bay is exceptionally barren and the village of Porturlin has no facilities for the visitor except for a fresh water hosepipe available on the roadside at the harbour, and surprisingly a small post office. The local shellfish company which employs about 20 people are specialists in the preparation and production of crab related products and if you approach them nicely you may be able to purchase some fresh crab for a tasty meal.
Half a mile to the west of the entrance to Porturlin Bay is Pig Island, Irish : Oilean na Muice, so named for its amazing pig like appearance when seen from east or west. The island is splendidly bisected by a sea arch at the centre and the view of the arch alone warrants a visit, the landward side of the roof of the arch is the jowl of the pig. The island when viewed from the sea appears to be attached to the land behind.
Again this location is probably best used as a bolt hole against some rough weather whilst riding out the storm before continuing on your journey.
Other options in this area
Click the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to progress through neighbouring havens in a coastal 'clockwise' or 'anti-clockwise' sequence. Alternatively here are the ten nearest havens available in picture view:
Coastal clockwise:
Belderg Harbour - 3.5 miles EKilcummin - 11.1 miles E
Killala Bay - 11.5 miles ESE
Aughris Hole - 20.8 miles E
Ballysadare Bay - 24.4 miles E
Coastal anti-clockwise:
Portacloy Bay - 1.6 miles WNWRoss Port - 2.5 miles WSW
Broadhaven Bay - 4.7 miles WSW
Frenchport (Portnafrankagh) - 8.6 miles WSW
Inishkea Island South - 13 miles SW
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