The marina now offers complete protection after the installation of a new breakwater that protects the inner harbour from northerly swell. However berths on the outer pontoon are subject to the wash from the constant comings and goings of the busy fairway. Safe access may be had in all reasonable conditions, day or night and at all stages of the tide.
Keyfacts for Cowes Yacht Haven
Protected sectors
Last modified
August 24th 2018 Summary
A completely protected location with safe access.Facilities
Position and approaches
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Haven position
This is the northwest end of the long or outer pontoon at the entrance to the North Basin.
What are the key points of the approach?
The entry and the run-up thorough The Solent and Southampton Water are covered in
The Solent and Isle of Wight
Coastal Overview. The approaches and run up the fairway are detailed in the Folly Inn
The Solent and Isle of Wight
Not what you need?
Click the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to progress through neighbouring havens in a coastal 'clockwise' or 'anti-clockwise' sequence. Below are the ten nearest havens to Cowes Yacht Haven for your convenience.
Ten nearest havens by straight line charted distance and bearing:
- Shepards Wharf - 0.2 nautical miles SSE
- Cowes Harbour - 0.3 nautical miles NNW
- East Cowes Marina - 0.5 nautical miles SSE
- Osborne Bay - 1.6 nautical miles E
- Folly Inn - 1.8 nautical miles SSE
- Island Harbour Marine - 2.3 nautical miles SSE
- Thorness Bay - 2.8 nautical miles WSW
- Newport - 3.4 nautical miles S
- Wootton Creek (Fishbourne) - 3.5 nautical miles ESE
- Gull Island - 3.8 nautical miles WNW
These havens are ordered by straight line charted distance and bearing, and can be reordered by compass direction or coastal sequence:
- Shepards Wharf - 0.2 miles SSE
- Cowes Harbour - 0.3 miles NNW
- East Cowes Marina - 0.5 miles SSE
- Osborne Bay - 1.6 miles E
- Folly Inn - 1.8 miles SSE
- Island Harbour Marine - 2.3 miles SSE
- Thorness Bay - 2.8 miles WSW
- Newport - 3.4 miles S
- Wootton Creek (Fishbourne) - 3.5 miles ESE
- Gull Island - 3.8 miles WNW
How to get in?

Cowes Yacht Haven is located in the middle of the Isle of Wight’s principal port of Cowes. The town stands on both sides of the entrance to the River Medina, and Cowes is located on the west bank facing the much smaller town of East Cowes on the east bank. Cowes Yacht Haven is the first of two marinas fronting the town of Cowes and the most central. As the town experiences 30,000 boat visitors a year a high proportion of its 260 pontoon berths are made available to visitors.

The marina hosts events of all sizes in its Haven Events Centre. These range from international sailing regattas to local business conferences, corporate functions, and weddings etc. that can be very modest affairs or host up to two thousand guests. During large scale sailing events, such as Cowes Week, Round the Island Race and various other regattas, visitors should expect tariffs to increase as the marina tends to be occupied by corporate clients who pay premium prices. During these times it is essential to book well in advance to secure a berth.

Cowes Yacht Haven is situated within the inner fairway close south of the Red Jet Hi Speed Catamaran’s Jubilee Pontoon and less than ½ a mile within the No. 1 and No. 2 buoys. At night the marina exhibits lights on columns, both 2 F.G (vert), at the head of its North Breakwater and at the southern end of the marina’s outer or long pontoon. It presents itself on the starboard side and is divided into North and South Basins with the North basin being the deeper of the two. The North Basin supports drafts of 2.5 and 3.5 metres by comparison to the South Basin’s 2.0 and 2.5 metres. Depths within both basins drop to 2 metres alongside the inshore pontoons. The marina can accommodate yachts of up to 30.4 metres LOA.

At busy times vessels should expect to raft up. This is especially the case on the river facing side of the outer or long pontoon. This berth unfortunately is the least desirable of the marina’s berths being subject to the wash from the very busy Inner Fairway.

It is advisable to contact the marina in advance and make arrangements regarding an intended stay P: +44 1983 299975 VHF: Ch. 80 call sign [Cowes Yacht Haven] contactable 24hours.

Why visit here?
The town of Cowes is fully introduced in the Cowes Harbour
Cowes Yacht Haven is the first, largest and most centrally located of the two marinas providing instant access to the town centre and its pleasant walkway. The marina usually hosts entertainments for events such as Cowes Week, Round the Island Race and various other regattas. This is particularly the case during Cowes Week where live entertainments are held within Cowes Yacht Haven, on Cowes Parade and at Shepards Wharf Marina. These venues are open to the general public as well as visiting yachtsmen and the racing community.
From a sailing perspective Cowes Yacht Haven, as well as Shepards Wharf, provide walk ashore access to the centre of Cowes and are ideal gateways to the island. They also provide very convenient ‘drop in’ locations should a problem emerge on a vessel that needs to be quickly attended to, or indeed for excellent provisioning.
What facilities are available?
All pontoons are fully serviced with water and power. The marina has shower, toilet and laundry facilities as well as free wireless broadband internet access.Immediately ashore the marina offers an array of on-site services. There are on-site engineers, electricians and boat repairers that can cater for most requirements and the yard offers lift and launch services via their 30 ton hoist & 15 ton mobile crane. Almost all boat repairs are catered for and the yard offers storage on-site.
Petrol and diesel are available from Lallow's Boatyard, between Cowes Yacht Haven and Shepards Wharf or more conveniently at Cowes Harbour Fuels, +44 1983 200716, south of the chain ferry. The Town Quay has scrubbing berths next to the Harbour Office. Cowes as a whole offers almost any conceivable marine service or facility a vessel could require. Having a population in excess of 10,000 it is also an excellent location for provisioning.
In transport terms Cowes is a gateway town for the Isle of Wight providing berths to two ferry services. Southern Vectis' route 1 is the main bus service in Cowes. Single decker buses branded Red 1 serve the Red Jet terminal, whilst route 1 double deckers serve the M&S Foodhall at Carvel Lane where the old Cowes railway station was situated. Both run to Newport to take travellers on to other island destinations. The Cowes Chain Ferry, locally known as the Floating Bridge connects the two towns of Cowes and East Cowes throughout the day. The old and discontinued rail link to and from the island's capital of Newport is now maintained as a cycle path.
Any security concerns?
Never an issue known to have occurred to a vessel moored at Cowes Yacht Haven.With thanks to:
Katy Ednay, Senior Dockmaster Cowes Yacht Haven. Photography Christine Matthews, Editor5807, Oast House, Robbie Shade, David Dixon, Martyn White, Peter Trimming, Michael Harpur and an especial thank you to Ronald Saunders.




An aerial overview of Cowes and the entrance to the River Medina.
An aerial overview of Cowes, the entrance to the River Medina and both marinas
The North Basin during Cowes Week
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