- +Today's Tides for Christchurch Harbour
- +Christchurch Harbour's Future Tides
- +Weather for Christchurch Harbour
- +Advanced Haven Search
- +Contacts and Emergency for Christchurch Harbour
- • VHF Channel 16 call sign [Solent Coastguard]
- • Alternatively, where a good phone signal exists, dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.
- • If at sea, use the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) systems to make a distress or urgency alert.
- +Local Navigation Resources
Low Water | High Water |
00:42 (0.9m) | 09:05 (1.4m) |
14:25 (0.9m) | 19:38 (1.4m) |
Now Rising | |
Time to high | 3:21 |
Total rise | 0.5m |
Remaining rise | |
Tide height over CD |
Mean Spring Curve | Mean Neap Curve | Intervening Period |
Small tidal stream inaccuracies can develop when advancing beyond HW Dover +6. Because of this we only enable today's tidal stream chartlets to advance 24 hours. Future tidal planning is best accomplished by using Christchurch Harbour's future tides predictor below.
The above image represents the current tidal streams offshore of this haven. Streams attaining three knots and above are highlighted by red arrows
Do you need more information on the tidal graphics?
Arrows represent the direction of tidal streams with lighter or shorter arrows indicating weaker streams. Stronger streams are indicated by heavier or longer arrows, and as mentioned above, red arrows flagging rates of 3 knots and above. Numerals represent [mean neap, mean spring] rates in tenths of a knot. For example the numbers 12,23 would indicate a mean neap of 1.2 knots and a mean spring of 2.3 knots.
More local tidal details
Today's Christchurch (Quay) tides — High waters: 09:05, 19:38, Low waters: 00:42, 14:25Today's Dover tides — High waters: 07:15, 20:06, Low waters: 01:27, 14:13
We are now approaching the next tidal event that will be Springs.
MHWS 1.8m MHWN 1.4m MLWN 0.7m MLWS 0.6m
Mean Level 1.2 metres
High Water Springs -0210, Neaps -0140 of Dover.
The tidal range of Christchurch Bay is the lowest along the south-central Channel coast. At the entrance to Christchurch Harbour, the mean spring range is 1.4 m, reducing to 0.8m during neap cycles. The duration of the flood tide is 6.4 hours, whilst the ebb phase occupies 6.01 hours. Mean tidal range within the harbour is lower than on the adjacent open coast because of attenuation effects set up by The Run. In both Christchurch Bay and Harbour, a "double high water" effect is discernible. This contributes to the ebb-dominant asymmetry of the tidal regime of Christchurch Harbour.
Streams are weak inside the line Handfast Point to Hengistbury Head and in Christchurch Bay running generally in the direction of the land. Rapid tidal currents are restricted to the eastern extremity of the bay, except for Christchurch Harbour entrance, where ebb flow coupled with fluvial discharge can create maximum velocity currents approaching 7 kn. The east stream sets towards Christchurch Ledge and the Shingles. It is very strong and overfalls can be expected during Springs. Christchurch Harbour has a double high water. At Springs, the first high water tends to be higher than the second, whereas at neap tides the second high water is higher than the first.
There is approximately a ½ hour difference between high water at the entrance or outside and at the town quay. During periods of high pressure the depth of water could be reduced by more than 30 cm. With a normal range of only 1.2 metres, this can dramatically reduce the available depth.

This tool can be used to estimate future costal tidal streams for this area. All that is required are two simple steps:
Step 1: What is the Dover High Water for the target date?
Use a current Dover Tide Table to find Dover High Water for the target date. The National Oceanography Centre offers online tidal predictions for up to 28 days from today. Click here to open their tide table for Dover

Step 2: Input the target date's Dover High Water
Taking a mean tidal offset from Dover's tide, we expect your targetted date's associated local tide at to be:
High waters: Low waters:
Data based on an average tide is only accurate to within one hour, if you more precise times are required use the ISA tidal predictions, with Christchurch (Quay) offset -01:00.
Today's overview |
°C °C |
°C °C |
°C °C |
°C °C |
°C °C |
Headline: Cloudy but turning drier and feeling chilly.
This Evening and Tonight: Cloudy and rather cold this evening, with patchy rain clearing towards the far southwest. Clear spells developing in the east overnight, allowing for a patchy frost to develop, particularly in rural spots. Low cloud lingering across the hills elsewhere. Minimum Temperature 1C.
Sunday: A frosty morning for some, but dry for most with bright spells developing through the day, and even some sunshine in the west. Light winds but feeling chilly. Maximum Temperature 8C.
Outlook for Monday to Wednesday: Cool and cloudy this week, with patchy rain and drizzle on Monday, some sleet across the high ground. Turning drier by Wednesday, but feeling cold, especially in brisk easterly winds.

Click [+] to advance by twelve hours and click [-] to step back. The forecasted time is presented in the top left hand corner of the pressure chart. Click the image to display it in a full window.
Set your current location | Set the maximum distance you are prepared to travel | Check off what you want |
Contacting Coastguard and Emergency Services
Coastguard should only be used for distress and urgency calls as follows:
The National Maritime Operations Centre (NMOC) based at Fareham handles all operations in the area from Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Dorset and Devon. They also assist other authorities such as the Police, Fire and Ambulance with their specialist expertise. The centre is manned 24x7 and have helicopters based at rescue bases at Portland or Lee-On-Solent at their disposal. Ch.67 can be used for routine communications and the National Maritime Operations Centre can be contacted directly on +44 23 8032 9486 for administrative enquiries only.
Phone 999 when it is a Police emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened. Phone 101, the police non-emergency number, when it's less urgent than a 999 call.
Useful Local Contacts
Christchurch Sailing Club,
The Quay,
BH23 1BY
P: +44 1202 483150
E: office@christchurchsailingclub.co.uk
W: http://www.christchurchsailingclub.co.uk
Rossiter Yachts Ltd,
Rossiter's Quay,
Bridge Street,
BH23 1DZ
P: +44 1202 483250 or 01202 473937
W: http://www.rossiteryachts.co.uk/
Tides Reach,
18 Convent Meadows,
The Quay,
BH23 1BD
P: +44 01202 483141
E: elkins.boatyard@btconnect.com
Admiralty Leisure Folio SC5601 ‘East Devon & Dorset Coast, Exmouth to Christchurch’ covers this area. Admiralty Chart 2172 ‘Harbours On South Coast England’ and 2035 ‘West Approaches To The Solent’. Imray "C" Chart C4 ‘Needles Channel to Bill of Portland’ has a plan for Christchurch. NV Chart Atlas Pack UK2 ‘Start Point to the Needles’ and a plan of Christchurch.
Please note eOceanic makes no guarantee of the validity of this information. Whilst every effort has been made to use valid source data and ensure calculations are correct, no warranty is made. All tidal predictions are approximations and differences used to calculate times and heights at secondary ports are based on stated averages that reduce precision. This information is provided as a guide only and is not to be used for navigation. For navigation please refer to published tidal tables. Actual height and time of tides are affected by barometric pressure and other weather effects. Any data provided on this page is entirely used at your own risk and you must read our legal page if you view data on this site.