England Ireland Find Havens
England Ireland Find Routes


Western Approaches to The Solent and the run up to Southampton

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What is the route?
This guide covers the approaches to the Western Solent, Western Solent waters and its shorelines north and south, Central Solent Area, Southampton Water, the Rivers Hamble, Test, and Itchen. It provides waypoints, approach information, and tide times for the Needles Channel entrance and the North Channel and a route through these waters to the Solent's river mouths.

Why sail this route?
The Solent offers numerous attractions for boaters. This stretch of water provides access to major ports like Southampton, Portsmouth, and Cowes, as well as a variety of charming fishing ports, rivers, and estuaries with ample berthing options. It is a hub for boating activities and hosts prominent sailing events, including Cowes Week in August and the Southampton International Boat Show in September.

Tidal overview
Today's summary tidal overview for this route as of Monday, February 10th at 17:06. Calculating the correct time to enter The Solent from the west is essential. Fortunately, the Solent flood lasts about nine hours, and the ebb lasts between three and a half to four hours. So expect short, sharp ebbs and longer periods of favourable tides for approaches.

At the narrowest point of the entrance, between Hurst Point and Fort Albert, tidal streams attain a mid-channel spring rate flow of up to 3.9kn on the flood (inflow), 4.4 kn on the ebb (outflow) at Hurst, 3.1kn flood and 3.4kn ebb WSW across the Shingles and at The Bridge.

The Needles Channel is very dangerous during heavy onshore winds from south round to west, particularly against the ebb tide. A southwesterly Force 4 against the ebb will raise breaking seas near 'Bridge' and 'SW Shingles' buoys when the eastern approach to The Solent is the best option.

Needles Channel Ebb

(HW Portsmouth -0100 to +0430)

Starts in 04:25:12

(Mon 21:32 to 03:02)

Needles Channel Flood

(HW Portsmouth +0500 to -0130)


(Tidal flow )

Ends in 03:35:12

(Mon 14:47 to 20:42)

What are the navigational notes?
Please use our integrated Navionics chart to appraise the route. Navionics charts feature in premier plotters from B&G, Raymarine, Magellan and are also available on tablets. Clicking the 'Expand to Fullscreen' icon opens a larger viewing area in a new tab.

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The Isle of Wight is a large island off the Port of Southampton and Portsmouth on the south coast of England. It extends eastward from a group of rocks called The Needles for twenty miles and is twelve miles from north to south. It is the largest and second-most populous Island in England. The Island has been a holiday destination since Victorian times and is known for its mild climate, coastal scenery, and verdant landscape of fields, downland and chines.

The Isle of Wight and The Solent
Image: Alan

The Island is separated from the mainland by the sheltered waters of The Solent. This stretch of water is about 20 miles long and varies in width from 2½ to 5 miles, with its narrowest point between Hurst Castle and Colwell Bay. The shingle Hurst Spit, projecting 1½ miles from the mainland, narrows the Strait to less than ¾ of a mile. Southampton Water, an inlet serving the port of Southampton, extends five miles northwestward from The Solent and has a deep-water channel about a ⅓ of a mile wide. It has Southampton Docks at its head that marks the junction of the River Test and the River Itchen.

The Needles marking the western entrance into The Solent
Image: CC01

The protected inshore waters have played a vital role in British history since the Roman times and is steeped in history. The Solent is an area of natural beauty bordered by and forms a part of the character of several nationally important protected landscapes, including the New Forest National Park and the Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. All of this makes it the busiest centre for recreational boating in the UK and a favourite for locals and visitors alike.

Lepe Country Park overlooking The Solent from the north shore
Image: Neil via CC BY 2.0

The list of waypoints provided commences at the Needles Channel entrance and proceeds up to Southampton's Dock Head, encompassing the rivers Hamble, Test and Itchen. The supporting description is set out in the following ten broad sections.

  • 1. Navigation

  • 2. Shipping

  • 3. Tides and Tidal Streams

  • 4. Entering The Solent via The Needle's Channel

  • 5. Southwestern Isle of Wight

  • 6. Entering The Solent via the North Channel

  • 7. The Western Solent

    • Including:

    • • The western Solent's north shore

    • • The western Solent's southern shore (northwestern Isle of Wight)

    • • Cowes and the River Medina

  • 8. The Central Solent

  • 10. Southampton Water

    • Including:

    • • The Hamble River

    • • The River Itchen

    • • The River Test

Yacht passing into The Solent with Hurst Point directional light in the backdrop
Image: John K Thorne via CC BY 2.0

Waypoints are sequenced from west to northeast and finally northward into Southampton Water to the docks, as follows:

  • • Approaches to the Needles Channel from the "Whis Fairway" buoy, including flood and ebb tide information.

  • • Eastward passage along the western Solent's mainland (northern) shore.

  • • Northwestward passage along the western shoreline of Southampton Water to Dock Head.

  • • Guides are included for the Rivers Hamble, Test and Itchen.

While the waypoints outline routes into and through the Solent, this guide also details the diverse berthing opportunities available along the mainland shoreline, river, and Isle of Wight.


The western Solent is entered from the west via the Needles Channel or the North Channel. The run-up from there, through The Solent and Southampton Waters, to Dock Head and the Rivers Test and Itchen entrances is more than 20 miles.

The Needles as seen from the Needles Channel at dusk
Image: Guy Quayle via CC BY 2.0

The waters of The Solent and Southampton Water are deep and exceptionally well-marked. The helm that keeps to the correct side of the marks and keeps in reasonable soundings should expect to encounter few hazards. The presented route to Dock Head is alongside the main shipping channels that are deep and intended for the use of heavily laden commercial vessels. Leisure vessels need not strictly adhere to these marks and should at all times avoid impeding deep-draft commercial vessels that may be constrained by their draft and turning circles.

The waters of The Solent are well marked
Image: Ronald Saunders via CC BY-SA 2.0

The Solent's primary yellow race marker buoys are an additional set of marks that leisure craft may avail of. These charted marks are predominantly set in place from March through to November and typically lit with a Fl.Y4s signature. With the exceptions of the race marks off Hill Head and on the East Knoll, there is ample water at the Lowest Astronomical Tide for a vessel carrying a draft of up to 2 metres to move around these racing buoys. However, that is not to say all marks are charted, lit or in deep water. Racing marks close to the shoreline and pot markers cannot be relied on to be illuminated or indicate deep water. Those intending to venture off the main channels at times of low visibility should bear this in mind.

Our detailed overview highlights the key shoreline features inside of the primary lateral marks and the race buoys. Although these dangers are buoyed and easily avoided, they become essential when a vessel struggles to make way against an adverse tide. During these times, many vessels must come inshore to get out of the main tidal run and make the best of it. To support this purpose, we note key dangers so they may be found more efficiently on a chart or your plotter.
Please note

All of the key pilotage features we highlight in the text are eOceanic application objects, so you can receive proactive notifications for their locations when navigating.


The Solent's underwater dangers present much less of a concern to the helm than its quickly shifting topography of above-water dangers. Hosting several of England's most significant commercial ports, The Solent and Southampton Water have a successive stream of huge ships moving in, out and around what is effectively a small stretch of water. These include deeply laden tankers, large container vessels, and passenger cruise vessels that are spatially challenged in these waters, mainly when coming alongside. In addition to the large ships, many fast-moving ferries plying their way back and forth between mainland ports and those on the Isle of Wight. Add to this the amount of pleasure craft, especially during race weeks or on a summer's weekend when great shoals of them cut across the waterway, and the key feature of navigation will, as often as not, be to keep clear of other vessels.

It can get busy at various times in The Solent
Image: Peter Trimming via CC BY 2.0

Please take it as a given that larger ships have the right of way in this body of water. Draft constrains the largest of these to the primary channels, and they often have to operate at speeds of more than ten knots to maintain steerage around the Bramble Bank or Calshot Spit. Add to this the lack of forward vision and their restricted steerage, and you have to conclude that they are probably unable to take action to avoid a collision with leisure craft, even if they desire to do so.

Yacht passing a ferry in the approaches to Lymington in the western Solent
Image: Michael Harpur

As such, a vessel entering The Solent should have a radar reflector with an active radar responder or radar as a helpful addition. VHF channel 12, the Solent's working channel, should be monitored when on the move, and a watchful eye should be maintained for boat movements at all times. Try to habitually turn through 360° at regular intervals in The Solent, as ships can stealthily creep up on a vessel from downwind or behind a big genoa. Likewise, don't assume that small open boats are moving; some often drop an anchor on the channel's margins and cast out a fishing line - the author came perilously close to a 'hidden behind the big genoa' moment with one of these.

Wightlink ferry in the eastern solent
Image: Tez Goodyer via CC BY-SA 2.0

Give the large ships good wide berths by keeping just outside the main channels as much as possible. If it becomes necessary to cross the channels, do so at right angles and at a time that avoids crossing in front of a ship. In a specifically restricted area located in the Central Solent, called the 'Area of Concern', there is a requirement that all leisure craft must standoff commercial shipping by specified distances – detailed below. Fast ferry services also warrant a wide berth where possible. They approach rapidly, both ahead and astern, and are keen to keep to their allotted time schedules. It would not be prudent to assume the 'right-of-sail carries over power' with these ferries as it could all go very wrong, very quickly.


The flood over the bridge at The Needles
Image: Ian Stannard via CC BY-SA 2.0
Tidal currents are moderate in Southampton Water but can be very strong in The Solent, which features one of the world's most unusual tidal patterns. The tidal variations here are essentially a function of an English Channel oscillation added to by The Solent's dual entrances. The Solent's tide rises for about six hours and then 'Stands', or has a 'Double High Water' for another three hours. The 'Stand' is caused by the English Channel's 'closed funnel effect' that causes a large volume of water to continue to flow into The Solent's eastern entrance, providing the regular tidal rise with a second wind.

As a result, the Solent flood lasts for about nine hours, and the ebb is between three and a half to four hours. So expect short, sharp ebbs and longer periods of favourable tides on approaches. Another local 'young flood stand' phenomenon is very pronounced during Springs in Southampton Water. It occurs about two hours after Low Water and manifests itself in a slackening of the tidal stream for about a two-hour period before a final surge to the three-hour 'stand'.

There are also variances in tidal ranges across the Isle of Wight. The maximum eastern range is around 4.5 metres, whereas the western range is about 2.8 metres. The difference in the speed of the rise causes tidal streams to run either east or west at the first half or latter part of the tidal range. The strength and lack of uniformity make using a tidal atlas, especially during Spring tides, an essential consultation for even the shortest Solent hop. Local wind and weather patterns also can affect tides. Several days of strong northeasterly winds accompanied by a high barometric pressure can lower tidal heights in the Solent by 0.6 metres.


The seaward end of Needles Channel is visible for many miles from seaward. Situated between the western end of the Isle of Wight and the mainland on the north, it forms the western approach to The Solent. The extremity of the west end of the Isle of Wight is Needles Point. However, the distinctive chalk cliffs overlooking Scratchell's Bay, immediately southeast, will most likely be the first visible point on seaward approaches.

The distinctive chalk cliffs overlooking Scratchell's Bay
Image: Chris-Gunns via CC BY-SA 2.0

Needles Point, a narrow, chalky peninsula rising perpendicularly from the sea from jagged rocks to form 120-metre cliffs, marks the western extreme of the Isle of Wight. The Needle Rocks are three distinctive rocks jutting out from the southwestern point of the Isle of White. They are composed of white chalk and are a remarkable sight from seaward when contrasted with the dark-coloured ground behind them. The landfall is set off by a striking red and white striped lighthouse situated on the outermost rock.

The Needles – lighthouse Oc.(2)RWG.20s24m17-13M position: 50° 39.734'N, 001° 35.500'W

The Needles Channel passes a ½ mile northwest of these Isle of Wight features. It is the primary western channel into The Solent and is readily apparent from all directions. The Needles Channel is bounded on the western side by the Shingles shoals and on the eastern by the west end of the Isle of Wight. Further in, the mainland side there extends from the mainland side a pebbly bank, nearly 1½ miles in length, on the end of which stands Hurst Castle, dating from the 16th century, batteries plus a lighthouse on Hurst Point on the north side. The Needles Channel has at least 10.5 metres of water and is well marked and lit by standard buoyage, with the outermost buoy being the 'Whis Fairway', LFl.10s

Tidal rips off the Needled in settled conditions
Image: Ian Stannard via CC BY-SA 2.0
Although unmistakably prominent, well-marked, and lit, do not assume that the Needles Channel has no dangers for leisure craft, far from it. The channel is very dangerous during heavy onshore winds from southward round to westward, particularly against the ebb tide. A southwesterly Force 4 against the ebb will raise breaking seas near 'Bridge' and 'SW Shingles' buoys.

The worst conditions will be experienced when the tide turns and the flood has just begun. The transition can raise a substantial swell that is particularly bad in developed conditions. Many yachts that have weathered a channel storm have found themselves overwhelmed at the entrance, trying to 'thread the needle' to access The Solent's sheltered waters.

The primary danger area is at the seaward end of the entrance channel, close west to the 'Bridge' west cardinal VQ(9)10s, where the channel's width reduces to 300 metres. At this point, the channel is pinched between its two significant dangers: The Bridge and the southwest tail of the Shingles.

The Bridge reef extends up to ¾ of a mile west-by-south from the Needles Rocks, with a least depth of 5.5 metres. It narrows the Needles Channel between its western extreme and the southwest prong of the Shingles to a ⅓ of a mile. On the ebb tide, the reef's position is made distinct by large overfalls. In moderate weather, by the ripple and during southerly gales by a well-defined line of broken water. The sea breaks with great violence for a considerable distance out along The Bridge from the lighthouse from the body of groundswell that always accompanies southerly winds and even rises with an impending breeze from that quarter.

Bridge west cardinal marker
Image: Terry Robinson via CC BY SA 2.0

The 'Bridge' west cardinal buoy marks the western extremity of The Bridge. When seen from the buoy, the three Needles rocks set a line along the backbone of this dangerous reef, which is very narrow towards the western end and steep-to on both sides.

The Shingles bank commences to the west of The Needles. From there, it extends east by northeast for 3 miles to its northeast extremity, which terminates about a ½ mile out from Hurst Beach. Its southeastern face forms the northwest side of the Needles Channel.

The Bridge and Shingles Bank showing white crests in moderate conditions
Image: Les Chatfield via CC BY 2.0

The sea breaks violently on The Shingles' shallower parts with the least swell, some of which dry. On the ebb, the current sets onto the Shingles Bank, which is particularly dangerous. On the flood, the current comes off the bank with numerous overfalls. The Shingles is, however, very well marked by several lit port buoys on its southeast side, the Needles Channel side.

Anvil Point 15 miles west by southwest of The Needles
Image: Peter Dean via CC BY 2.0

Because of the flanking dangers and the narrow tolerances they create, it is best to avoid The Needles Channel in any heavy onshore conditions. During these times, it is safer to pass south around the Isle of Wight and approach The Solent from the east on the Island's lee side, as described (TBC). If the winds are somewhat reasonable, the North Channel may provide a better alternative in a southwesterly. If, however, you have time on your hands it might be better to anchor off to the north of Anvil Point in Swanage Click to view haven, Studland Bay Click to view haven or take shelter in Poole Harbour Click to view haven to await better conditions at the entrance.

In every event, it is preferable to approach the Needles Channel on a favourable tide, as illustrated in our tide timer. The inflowing flood streams east-by-northeast and runs from HW Portsmouth +0500 until HW -0130, with Spring rates attaining 3.1kn at The Bridge. The outflowing ebb stream sets in a west-by-south-westerly direction and runs from HW Portsmouth –0100 until HW +0430. Spring rates are 3.4kn west-by-southwest across the dangerous Shingles and at The Bridge. Tides rise about 2.7 metres at MHWS, about 2.3 metres at MHWN and stand at the high level for two or three hours.

The Bridge west cardinal that marks the west extremity of The Bridge ledge
Image: Les Chatfield via CC BY 2.0

The NEEDLES CHANNEL: The first Needles Channel waypoint is the position of the safe water 'Whis Fairway' light-buoy L Fl. 10s. From here, the port hand 'SW Shingles', port light buoy fl. R. 2.5s, marking the southwest end of Shingles, is less than 1½ miles to the northeast and should be visible. 'The Bridge' west cardinal that marks the west extremity of The Bridge should also be becoming visible a few degrees east from this position.

The Needles to Alum Bay
Image: Michael Harpur

By night, advancing less than ½ miles northeastward from the Fairway Light buoy, places a vessel in range of the entrance's directional light, bearing 041° T, of Hurst Point Light, showing Iso. White, which leads up through the channel's path from the seaward end of the channel.

Hurst Castle and the prominent Hurst Point Light
Image: Michael Harpur

This directional light leads up to the two light buoys, passing the SW Shingles Light buoy, close to port, and the 'Bridge' west cardinal VQ(9)10s, close to starboard. At the 'Bridge' west cardinal, the channel is at its narrowest point at about 300 metres wide.
Please note

The tide can run very fast in the channel, and it is vital to be mindful of the proximity of the Shingles at all times.

Upon passing the Bridge marker buoy, adjust the path to the northeast to steer 045°T onto the Hurst Point Light, where the directional light changes from white to red by night. Proceed to pass along the southeastward side of the lit port hand buoys on the southeast side of the Shingles.

Breakers over Goose Rock and its area of foul ground
Image: Neil Howard via CC BY 2.0

Avoid approaching the Needles Lighthouse too closely due to the presence of Goose Rock. Goose Rock is situated approximately 50 meters west-northwest of the lighthouse. While the name "Goose Rock" suggests a single rock, it is more accurately described as an area of rocky ground with varying depths and multiple surrounding heads, some of which dry while others remain submerged. The inner head, known as "The Goose," dries to 0.9 meters; the outer head has 1.8 meters of water over it and lies slightly to the north, beyond which the seabed drops steeply. Giving the Needles light a berth of at least 200 meters will avoid Goose Rock.

Man standing upon the wreck of the Varvassi with Goose Rock showing in the

Image: George Glennie External link

The wreck of the Varvassi is awash at low water and located approximately 150 meters west-southwest of the lighthouse. However, mariners should not assume a safe passage exists between the outer rocks at the base of the lighthouse and the wreck, as portions of the ship's structure have been driven upwards by half a century of tidal and wave action.

Goosewing sailing in the Needles Channel
Image: Michael Harpur

From here, it is simply a matter of closing on the entrance between Hurst Castle and Fort Albert. Make allowances for the currents converging from the North Channel and to stand off 300 metres southward from Hurst Castle to avoid The Trap as described below.

Hurst Castle
Image: Michael Harpur

With Hurst Castle abeam, it is simply a matter of following the marks up on The Solent and going into Southampton Water. Those intending to go to Cowes can set a course for the 'Gurnard' north cardinal mark, 66° T, for 10 miles. It is situated about 400 metres north of Egypt Point.

Fort Albert opposite Hurst Castle on the Isle of Wight
Image: Michael Harpur

Then to the initial fix for the Folly Inn Click to view haven at the entrance to Cowes and the river Medina. The initial fix is situated about 100 metres north of the No.1 Starboard Channel marker buoy Q.G. The Folly Inn Click to view haven entry that details the approaches to Cowes Harbour and the 2¼ mile run up the River Medina from the entrance to the harbour, to where the river dries.

'Gurnard' north cardinal mark, Q, position: 050°46.214 N, 001°18.845 W


Small vessels working in against the tide and anxious to avoid the full strength of the ebb tide may come inshore and steer for Alum Bay. However, the shoreline requires a measure of care, and it is not safe to freely come close inshore without being prepared for careful pilotage and excellent large scale charts.

The bays outside The Solent and along the northwestern side of Isle of Wight offer anchorages
Image: Ed Webster via CC BY-SA 2.0

At this point, it is possible to anchor outside The Solent in Totland Bay and Alum Bay, off the Needles Channel. These anchorages make for very pleasant anchorages in favourable conditions, but the foul Colwell Bay, although used by local vessels, is best avoided by newcomers who do not have the benefit of local knowledge aboard.

Alum Bay
Image: Chris Morgan via CC BY 2.0

Alum Bay Click to view haven is a very popular anchorage that has isolated rocks that require a large-scale chart and careful pilotage. The rocks have dangerous heads that appear to be the continuation of a ledge running out of Alum Bay parallel with and close outside its southern shoreline. The inner head dries at low water springs, but the middle head and outer heads, with 0.4 and 1.6 metres of water over them, remain covered. In the northeast section of the bay, there is a small rocky patch named Five Fingers Rock. It has a metre of water over it and lays 180 metres offshore to the southwest of Hatherwood Point.

Fort Albert at Cliff End and Warren Point as seen from Hatherwood Point
Image: Alistair Young via CC BY 2.00

Totland Bay Click to view haven has a large field of rocks, named Tinker Shoal, in its outer mid-section. The least water on it is 2 metres, near the western limit of the shoal, about a ½ mile off the shoreline.

Totland Bay
Image: Michael Harpur

The dangerous rocky reef Warden Ledge divides Totland and Colwell bays. It extends north by northwest for just under ½ a mile from Warden Point. It is dry for about half its length, at spring tides, and the outer edge has 1.6 metres. Beyond this, it drops into deep water about 800 metres east by northeast of the Bell Warden starboard hand buoy.

Colwell Bay, between Warden Ledge and Cliff End Point, should be given a wide berth as it is nearly all foul with the How Reef, Ledge, and Bank that extends out a considerable distance from the shore.

Stand well of Fort Albert at Cliff End Point
Image: Michael Harpur

The conspicuous Fort Albert at Cliff End Point is set into the side of the Isle about 2.1 miles northeast of Hatherwood Point and 0.7 miles southeast of Hurst Point. Detached heads lie up to 190 metres outside of the fort, and it, along with Cliff End Point, should be given a good berth.

Maintain this wide berth past Sconce Point, located 0.6 miles northeast of Fort Albert, where there are no off-lying dangers.

Sconce north cardinal mark with Fort Victoria in the backdrop
Image: Michael Harpur


An alternative approach to the Needles Channel is the North Channel. The North Channel lies to the north end of the Shingles Bank between it and Hurst Beach.

The North Channel passes in close offshore of Hurst Beach
Image: Neil Howard via CC BY 2.0

It passes close offshore of Hurst Beach and north of the North Head shoal's shallow area. It then proceeds southeastward between the northeast end of The Shingles and Hurst Beach. Two buoys mark it and it is at least a ¼ of a mile wide with a least depth of 6.5 metres at low water.

NE Shingles as seen from Hurst Castle
Image: Michael Harpur

The North Channel is the better approach in any developed southwesterly conditions as it entirely avoids the steep breaking seas that can occur off The Needles. In these conditions, the dangerous Shingles provide a measure of southwesterly protection. Likewise, it can be a more convenient passage for vessels approaching The Solent from Christchurch Bay or a good tactic to minimise the effects of an adverse tide.

Yacht entering The Solent via the North Channel
Image: Michael Harpur

However, skippers should note that this course passes along a lee shore in a developed southwesterly. In these circumstances, the steep-to section of Hurst Beach that leads out to Hurst Castle will be uncomfortably close. However, with an offing of up to a ½ mile available throughout and the seaway protection afforded by the Shingles, the passage is more than manageable.

NE Shingles with Hurst Castle in the backdrop
Image: Ian Paterson via CC BY-SA 2.0
The Needles Channel features can visually help position the southern end of the Shingles Bank, whereupon it is clear to proceed to the alternative North Channel. Before proceeding, pick up the North Channel's two buoys: the starboard 'North Head' buoy, Fl(3)G.10s, and the 'NE Shingles' east cardinal, Q(3)10s.

The North Head Bank has a least charted depth of 3.2 metres over it and presents no issue to leisure craft in most circumstances. The inner 'North Head' buoy is positioned about a ½ mile out from the shore. It marks the North Head bank's northwest extremity and the North Channel's northwest entrance, and it is surrounded by ample water.

The North Channel then lies about a ½ mile from Hurst Beach as it leads out to Hurst Castle, tending southeastward towards the Northeast Shingles East Cardinal Q(3)10s at its southern end. This area, between the cardinal and close south of Hurst Point, also marks the convergence between the North Channel and Needles Channels. Be watchful for tidal streams at the convergence point as an eddy forms off Hurst Point during the northeast-going stream and an in-draught into the North Channel during the southwest-going stream.

Vessel approaching via the North Channel
Image: Ian Stannard via CC BY SA 3.0
In settled conditions with good visibility, there are several sightlines available for this cut:
  • It is possible to cut between North Head bank and the Shingles by keeping Hurst Castle open of its own width of Fort Victoria, located inside the entrance on Isle of Wight's Sconce Point.

  • A danger bearing, as illustrated in experience Experience, of 71°T or reciprocal 251°T, of Hurst Castle, provides safe water in the range of ½ a mile to 2½ miles out, north of the Shingles bank.

  • In settled conditions, a bearing of no less than 71°T, for most leisure craft, keeps a vessel clear of the Shingles.

A least depth of 3 metres of water is available along these sightlines, but maintain a keen eye on the sounder as the Shingles bank is subject to change.

Those taking either of these approaches and passing close to Hurst Point should note the position of a ledge called The Trap and avoid it. The Trap is a small spit of sand and gravel thrown up at the southern extremity of Hurst Point by a strong eddy tide on the ebb. The Trap varies considerably in height and extent. Vessels have grounded on the ledge or struck it with such force, in the run of the current, that they have been irreparably damaged and subsequently sunk. It causes rougher water immediately south of Hurst Castle. On the ebb, it causes a very strong back-eddy that can attain such velocity that it is strong enough to throw a small vessel up onto Hurst Point.
Although near the beach, deep and steep-to, The Trap is very much in the path of vessels taking the North Channel or cutting between North Head and the Shingles Banks. Especially for those using the back eddy on the west side of Hurst Beach, then hugging the point to avoid a foul tide.

The Trap just visible southeast of the Hurst Castle's original circular tower
Image: Ian Stannard via CC BY-SA 2.0

The Trap lies southeast of the Hurst Castle's original circular tower, the locally known Round Fort, that can be seen to rise slightly above the level of its wing batteries. It is advisable to resolutely steer out to pass at least 300 metres southward from Hurst Castle in deep water before the central circular part of Hurst Castle is abeam when entering the Solent. Once past The Trap, it is simply a matter of converging with the Needles Channel and proceeding into the Solent.


Fort Victoria overlooks The Solent from Sconce Point
Image: Jim Champion via CC BY 2.0

The disused Fort Victoria overlooks The Solent from Sconce Point which forms the northwest extremity of the Isle of Wight. 'Sconce' north cardinal mark, Q, is situated 250 metres off the shoreline. From here the Western Solent opens up in earnest with the mainland’s low coast being broken by the estuaries of the Beaulieu and Lymington rivers; the coast of Wight, which rises more steeply, being cut by the Medina, Newton, and Yar estuaries.

Inward bound Yacht passing Fort Victoria
Image: Michael Harpur

With few serious hazards, unspoilt shorelines and considerably less commercial traffic the western Solent offers the cruising boatman a particularly attractive cruising ground. There is a choice of beautiful and tranquil creeks, rivers, and harbours to explore, but there are several inshore spits, banks, rocks and ledges that warrant some attention. It is also possible to tuck in behind the historic Hurst Castle and pick up a mooring Keyhaven Click to view haven or anchor outside in Hurst Road Click to view haven.

The WESTERN SOLENT'S NORTH SHORE: Within the Western Solent, the north shore is fronted by marshes and mudflats between Hurst Point and the entrance of Stansore Point, 9 miles east-by-northeast and marked by a Lepe Spit south cardinal beacon. These are intersected by several shallow and narrow creeks, leading into Lymington and Beaulieu rivers.

Between Hurst Point and the entrance to Lymington, the Pennington Marsh shallows extend out ¾ of a mile offshore. They attain a distance of 1 mile offshore at the Lymington entrance, where they begin to recede inshore until Beaulieu Spit. Here, they step out again inshore of the Lepe Middle Bank. The Lepe Middle Bank is a shallow area close west of the entrance to the Beaulieu River and very much in the way of anyone following the shoreline and making for the river entrance. It is marked by the, Lepe Spit YB Cardinal Buoy South Q(6) + LFl.15s.

Lymington located on the west bank of the Lymington River
Image: Ian Stannard via CC BY-SA 2.0

The prime havens along the northern mainland coast are the many varied berths available in Lymington and the Beaulieu River. Located on the west bank of the Lymington River, which flows into the north side of The Solent through a saltmarsh, the small historic market and harbour town of Lymington Click to view haven is a major centre for sailing. The west side of the River is home to two of The Solent's largest marinas, Lymington Yacht Haven Click to view haven and Berthon Lymington Marina Click to view haven. Lymington Town Quay Click to view haven has several pontoons and moorings, and the River has two large sailing clubs.

Buckler's Hard four miles up the Beaulieu River
Image: Mike Nicholls, Beaulieu River Harbour Master

The beautiful Beaulieu River contains Bucklar's Hard Click to view haven, Gins Farm Click to view haven and the very convenient Gull Island Click to view haven a mile within the entrance.

The WESTERN SOLENT'S SOUTH SHORE (NORTHWESTERN ISLE of WIGHT): To the south, the northwest coastline of the Isle of Wight leads 9 miles east-by-northeast of Sconce Point to Egypt Point, marked by a prominent 7-metre-high beacon column. It has several rocky ledges extending up to about 0.4 miles offshore.

In settled conditions, several otherwise exposed anchorages are available along the northwest coast of the Isle of Wight. In all cases, vessels anchored off will be tide-rode and swung by the tide when at anchor. When the tides compete with a stiff breeze, contending to be wind-rode, it makes for a less than comfortable area to anchor. However, the anchorages are perfectly serviceable in settled conditions, where vessels can comfortably sit to the tidal streams.

The small and pretty harbour of Yarmouth
Image: Ian Stannard via CC BY-SA 2.0

The prime haven along the Isle of Wight's northwest shoreline is the small and pretty harbour of Yarmouth Click to view haven, situated 0.8 miles east of Sconce Point. In settled conditions, where it is possible to sit comfortably to the tide, a reasonable anchorage can be had to the north of the moorings in Yarmouth Roads.

The primary danger in this area is Black Rock, a dangerous ledge drying to 0.5 metres, situated ⅓ of a mile northwestward of Yarmouth Harbour. Moored about 200 metres to the north rock is the Black Rock Starboard Lateral Marker, Fl.G.5s, and as foul ground extends almost half that distance from the rock to the buoy, vessels should keep close to the buoy and then northward of the mooring buoys to the north of the harbour breakwater. A short distance outside the Black Rock, there is a deep hole, which boats must carefully avoid when the wind blows hard against the direction of the tide. It can cause tidal overfalls that sometimes build an alarming seaway known as the Fiddlers Race.

Black Rock buoy in a tidal rip with Yarmouth in the backdrop
Image: Michael Harpur

3½ miles east by northeast of Yarmouth, there is the nature reserve of the Newton River Click to view haven. The primary danger in this area is Hamstead Ledge. It is situated close west of Hamstead Point, a ½ mile west of the entrance to Newtown Creek and 3 miles east of Yarmouth. It is a rocky feature on the shoreline that throws out two rocky prongs about 200 metres into The Solent. From this, a shoal, with no less than 8 metres over it, extends 380 metres northwest from Hampstead Point. Its onshore component may be identified by a concrete slipway on the shoreline which was used for tank landing practice during WWII. The starboard Hamstead Ledge can buoy, Fl(G)5s, situated in 10 metres of water and about a ¼ of a mile from the shore, marks this well-covered shoal's outermost and northeast end.

Newtown River
Image: Michael Harpur

Using the reduced currents deflected by Hamstead Ledge is the Newtown River Entrance Click to view haven haven anchorage, located outside the entrance to Newtown Creek.
Please note

Due to a covered underwater obstruction, the chart shows that anchoring is prohibited on the west side of Hamstead Ledge to about a ¼ of a mile west of Durns Point, on the opposite mainland shore.

Newtown River Entrance
Image: Michael Harpur

Salt Mead Ledges is situated midway between Hampstead and Gurnard Ledges, off the patch of darker conifers of Burnt Wood and nearly a ½ mile from the shore of Thorness Bay Click to view haven.

Thorness Bay also offers a midway anchorage between the Newtown River and Cowes, but it sits out in the full run of the currents. It has a patch of foul ground with a bank that dries to 0.4 metres halfway on extremely low water springs tides and then has as little as 1.9 to 2.5 metres of water. The Salt Mead green starboard can buoy Fl(G)10s, situated ½ out from the shoreline, marks these dangers.

Salt Mead buoy
Image: Michael Harpur

Gurnard Head is located 1½ miles southwest of Egypt Point and has a series of rocky ledges. Quarry Ledge extends 300 metres westward from the head, and Gurnard Bay is foul with many rocks and drying parts. Gurnard Ledge stretching for ¾ of a mile northeastward from the head is the most dangerous. It runs nearly parallel to the shore, with parts of it drying at low water springs. It is possible to go inside Gurnard Ledge, but be aware there are many areas with less than 1m at LAT inside the ledge.

Passing the racing mark at Gurnard Bay
Image: Michael Harpur

The Gurnard Ledge starboard can buoy Fl(G)15s, moored about 370 metres offshore in 18 metres, marks the western extreme of this. The bay also has two race buoys that show the 10-metre contour.

Egypt Point's prominent 7 metres high beacon column
Image: Steve Fareham via CC BY-SA 2.0

Egypt Point is made conspicuous by its beacon ashore, a race mark and the Gurnard north cardinal mark. It is foul out to 150 metres from the shore on its western approaches and should be given a wide berth.

Gurnard north cardinal marker
Image: Ian Paterson via CC BY-SA 2.0

All the dangers of northwest Wight are clearly marked and easily avoided by staying close to the marks. All the above-mentioned dangers require careful pilotage only when a vessel is hugging the shoreline to make the best of a foul tide.

COWES and the RIVER MEDINA: In the centre of The Solent, 0.8 miles east of Egypt Point, is Cowes Harbour. Located at River Medina's mouth, Cowes is Britain's premier yacht racing centre. The town stands on both sides of the river entrance, which divides into two parts, Cowes and East Cowes.

The entrance to the River Medina with the prominent Fawley Power station seen on
the mainland opposite

Image: Michael Harpur

River and town combine to offer visiting boaters a wide range of berthing options and every facility imaginable. The approach to Cowes Harbour and the 2¼ mile run up the River Medina from the entrance to the harbour to where the River dries, after the Folly Inn Click to view haven. Folly Reach, situated about midway along the four-mile run between Cowes and Newport, is freely accessible by the vast majority of vessels at all states of the tide. At high water, the River Medina is navigable for 4 miles to its central ancient island capital of Newport. This run is covered in a separate route soon to be completed.

West Cowes
Image: Ronald Saunders via CC BY-SA 2.0

Cowes Harbour's swinging moorings, laid outside the harbour, Trinity Landing, Town Quay, Shepards Wharf and Whitegates River Pontoons, located on the eastern side of the fairway immediately south of the Chain Ferry, are all managed by Cowes Harbour Click to view haven Commision.

Immediately upriver of the Jubilee Pontoon on the western shore is Cowes Yacht Haven Click to view haven marina. Cowes Yacht Haven is the first of the Cowes’ marinas and, as it fronts the town, it is extremely popular. Immediately upriver from Cowes Yacht Haven, only separated by a fuel jetty, is the second and smaller of the town's marinas Shepards Wharf Click to view haven that is likewise only a couple of minutes from the town centre. Both marinas make the vast majority of their berths available for visitors. ¼ of a mile above the chain ferry and on the eastern bank is the next large marina East Cowes Marina Click to view haven.

The Folly Inn on the River Median
Image: Michael Harpur

A little over a mile southward and on the east side of the river is the Folly Inn. Just above the Folly Inn, the river widens out into Folly Lake that dries less than ½ mile to the south. Island Harbour Marine Click to view haven is only accessible on a favourable tide. Vessels with a 2 metres draught can carry on upriver and reach the Island capital of Newport Click to view haven 1½ hours before HW Portsmouth and 2½ after HW Portsmouth.


The Solent's central portion lies between a line extending from Stansore Point to Egypt Point and a line extending from Ryde to Fort Gilkicker. Within this part of the Solent is an 'Area of Concern' with special rules to assist the movement of shipping on the road up at the entrance to Southampton Water.

The Central Solent
Image: Henry Burrows via CC BY-SA 2.0

As can be seen on a chart, the 'Area of Concern' covers the main channel from the Cowes Gurnard and Prince Consort north cardinal buoys to the Hook starboard buoy within the Southampton Water entrance.

In this body of water, large vessels of over 150 metres in length overall, when entering the 'Area of Concern', have a 'Moving Prohibited Zone' of 1,000 metres ahead and 100 metres to either side. A craft under 20 metres (66ft) 'Length Overall' is prohibited from entering this 'Moving Prohibited Zone'. Vessels of over 150 metres are typically escorted by a patrol launch showing a blue flashing light. The absence of the launch does not invalidate the 'Moving Prohibited Zone'.

It is essential to obey 'Area of Concern' distancing rules. Craft in breach of these rules will not only be subject to hefty fines but also jeopardise the safety of the vessel and all aboard. If there is any doubt or concern about the Harbour Patrol Launch, the call sign [Southampton Patrol] maintains a listening watch on [VHF} Ch. 12. The crew are more than happy to offer advice and information on the harbour and approaches.

Upon rounding Stansore Point, marked by the 'Lepe Spit' south cardinal buoy Q(6) +LF.15s that stands well offshore, the path to Southampton Water now turns to the northeast in the form of the Thorn Channel. The Thorn Channel passes northwest of the ½ mile long Thorn Knoll Bank that occupies a mid-channel position between Calshot Spit and the northwest side of the Thorn Knoll Bank and Bramble Bank.

Bramble Bank Cricket match
Image: Hugh Chevallier via CC BY-SA 2.0
With the least depth of 3.5 metres of water over it, Thorn Knoll bank provides ample water for leisure craft to pass over it. Passing over the bank, on the southeast side of the Thorn Channel keeps the principal channel open for shipping. The two starboard buoys, 'East Knoll' and 'West Knoll', support this route by showing the northwestern side of the Bramble and East Knoll banks.

The Bramble Bank, situated to the southeast of Thorne Knoll, is a danger to leisure craft and one of the few open water hazards in The Solent. The Bramble Bank is a vast accumulation of sand and gravel that lies roughly halfway between Cowes and Southampton Water. The Island Sailing Club of Cowes and the Royal Southern Yacht Club of Hamble hold an annual cricket match on the bank at the end of August. The bank uncovers for barely an hour, which presents a cricketing challenge. To overcome the limited number of overs that can be played, each club takes it in turn to win and then host the post-match meal.

Calshot Spit catamaran buoy
Image: Ian Paterson via CC BY-SA 2.0
Only a small portion of the bank, near the west end, has been heaped up into a knoll that dries to 1.1 metres at low tide. This triangular drying patch appears like a southwest pointing arrowhead. 4 metres of water close around the Bramble Bank's outer edge, with depths varying less than that across it. The port 'Hill Head' buoy and the starboard 'East Knoll' buoy mark the north end of the bank. The 'East Bramble' cardinal marks the southeast end and the southern entrance to the North Channel. The 'West Knoll' conical buoy and the Brambles post, with a tide gauge, mark the west and south.

Although the Bramble Bank is well marked, it is easy to misjudge the bank's position or simply forget it, which has left many a yacht high and dry. The banks West Knoll Buoy is lit, Fl Y 2.5s, to guide leisure craft to transit between this mark and the main fairway' W Brambell' west cardinal buoy, VQ(9) 10s, that marks the edge of the 'Area of Concern'.

Calshot Spit is an obvious trap for the unwary
Image: W.F.Millar via CC BY-SA 2.0

Calshot Spit is an obvious trap for those heading from The Western Solent for Southampton Waters. This particular danger is the one newcomers should carefully make note of when entering The Solent. The spit is an extensive shoal running off Calshot Castle and Radar Control Tower, which stands on the extreme of the low, long, and shingly point at the western side of the entrance to Southampton Water. As a mark of its importance, several light vessels have been used to mark the navigational hazard of the Spit and aid the safe passage of vessels entering Southampton Water. It is marked by a steel catamaran buoy with a steel lattice superstructure Fl.5s10M. The catamaran always lies with the tide, enabling pilots who are bringing large ships into Southampton to see the tidal stream direction.

Calshot Castle at the mouth of Southampton Water. Another spit bearing a Tudor

Image: Geni via CC ASA 3.0

Most leisure craft can cut across Calshot Spit at high water. However, at low water, a vessel carrying any draft must take a course very close to the east, the Calshot side, of the port channel navigation buoys to keep clear of the main fairway and its 'Area of Concern'. After entering Southampton Water, the 'Area of Concern' finishes at the Hook Buoy, off Calshot Castle.


Southampton Water as seen from the south
Image: Mike McBey via CC BY 2.0

The Solent's western and eastern approaches converge at Calshot Castle, where Southampton Water commences. From here, Southampton Water extends northwestward to the south end of Southampton Docks, which marks the junction of the River Test and the River Itchen. The River Itchen flows north, and the River Test leads northwestward as a continuation of Southampton Water. Southampton City will be seen from the entire length of Southampton Water.

Dock Head, standing at the head of Southampton Water and the confluence of the
rivers Itchen and Test

Image: Rodhullandemu via CC BY-SA 2.0

The deep-water space embraces a channel, 5 miles long and a ½ mile wide, set between banks of soft mud that cover at high water. There are no dangers for leisure craft in Southampton Water except for its long mud flats. Being almost landlocked, with a highly protected approach, no sea of any consequence can rise in this water section. The well-marked fairway is maintained for commercial shipping and is dredged to 12.6 metres through the Thorn Channel and Calshot Reach, up to the River Test as far as Southampton's main container terminal. The approach area leading through the River Itchen is dredged to a depth of 9.1 metres. It then shoals to a minimum of 2 metres (LAT) up to Saxon Wharf Marina, about 3 miles northward at the head of the navigable waters of the Itchen. The River Test, leading northwestward, dries out entirely in less than 4 miles.

Southampton Water
Image: Mike Nicholls, Beaulieu River Harbour Master

Port of Southampton controls the approaches, and leisure craft should obey all directions provided by the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) VHF Ch. 12. Although the 'Area of Concern' ends at Southampton Water's Hook buoy, there is still no right of sail over large commercial ships in Southampton Water. Leisure craft should use the largely navigable waters outside the buoyed commercial shipping channels whenever practicable.

Fawley Power Station
Image: Michael Harpur
There is ample water inside most of the marks, so keeping just outside the buoyed fairway is easy. Likewise, finding an opportunity where it is clear to cut across the channel, at right angles preferably, is easy here. The key buoy that must be passed on the correct side is 'Swinging Ground' starboard buoy at the mouth of the River Itchen just opposite the Dock Head.

The conspicuous Calshot Radar Tower is on the western side, 1 mile north of Calshot Castle. The conspicuous chimney of the Fawley Power Station stands 3 miles northwest, and most sailors see it as the primary landmark at the entrance to Southampton Water. Keep well clear of very large tankers operating from Fawley. The mud bank on the western side, between Calshot and Hythe, is steep-to, breaking down abruptly from a high bank to 12 to 14 metres of water.

Ashlett on the western shore of Southampton Water
Image: Michael Harpur

The small settlement of Ashlett Creek Click to view haven lies to the north of Fawley Power Station. It is a natural creek with a small and very pretty harbour associated with its former and well-preserved tide mill. The harbour and its ½ mile-long channel dry and are only accessible at the top half of the tide.

The Hamble River branching off Southampton Water
Image: Mike McBey via CC BY 2.0

The HAMBLE RIVER: Opposite the conspicuous Fawley Power Marine Terminal, situated 1.5 miles north of the power station, is the entrance to the River Hamble. Hamble Spit runs out nearly a mile from the River's northern entrance point with the 'Hamble Point' south cardinal, Q(6)+LFl.15s, marking its southern extremity.

Hamble Point south cardinal marker and the river entrance
Image: Ben Hollier via CC BY-SA 2.0

From here, the meandering Hamble River continues northward for about 3 miles up to Bursledon Bridge, which, with an air draught of 4 metres (MHWS), effectively marks the head of navigation for most sailing craft.

Hamble Point Marina and Warsash are immediately within the entrance to the Hamble River
Image: Michael Harpur

On the east bank of the River, immediately within the entrance, is the small village of Warsash, which is conspicuous by the Hamble Harbour Master's Office tower, circled by white with black bands. Hamble Harbour Master holds jurisdiction of the River, within limits best seen on a chart, on behalf of Hampshire County Council. The village of Hamble, officially Hamble-le-Rice, is about a ½ mile above this point.

Port Hamble Marina is the river’s second marina and the closest to the village
Image: Michael Harpur

The River is a south coast yachting centre and hosts numerous yacht services. It has six marinas, several sailing clubs, boatyards and a river authority. Its marinas are, in river order: Hamble Point Marina Click to view haven, Port Hamble Marina Click to view haven, Mercury Yacht Harbour Click to view haven, Universal Marina Click to view haven, Swanwick Marina Click to view haven. The Hamble River Harbour Master Click to view haven, based at Warsash, provides visitor moorings and the Elephant Boatyard Click to view haven also takes visitors on an ad hoc basis if it has space on its hammerhead.

Deacons Marina and Boatyard and Bursledon Bridge
Image: Michael Harpur

The sixth marina Deacons Marina and Boatyard Click to view haven situated on the upper end of the meandering River, on the west bank of the River immediately before the Bursledon Bridge.


Netley Great Dome
Image: Michael Harpur

One mile above the village is the old Royal Victoria Military Hospital site within the grounds of Royal Victoria Country Park. Netley Great Dome, once the hospital's magnificent church, stands proudly today overlooking Southampton Water. There is an anchorage off Netley Click to view havenlocated close south of Netley Sailing Club's clubhouse and clear of its racing activities.

Hythe Pier
Image: Michael Harpur

1½ miles above Netley and north of a line joining Hythe Pier and Weston Shelf, there is a maximum speed limit of 6 kn. At night, the helm should keep watch for several large unlit mooring buoys off Hythe and on the opposite side of the fairway. Likewise, high-speed Ro-Ro ferries and large ships operate in this part of Southampton Waters.

Hythe Marina Village's entrance with Dock Head in the backdrop
Image: Michael Harpur

The prominent Hythe Marina Village Click to view haven is on the western shores of Southampton Water, a ¼ of a mile above Hythe Pier and about a ⅓ of a mile southward of Dock Head. The marina is approached via a short well-marked channel that leads into its lock.

Dock Head as seen from Southampton Water
Image: Michael Harpur

The southern face of the port Dock Head, standing at the confluence of the rivers Test and Itchen, is made readily apparent by its conspicuous Signal Station and tall grain silos.

The Signal Station at Dock Head Southampton
Image: Gillian Thomas via CC BY-SA 2.0

The water outside the main channel starts to shallow when approaching Dock Head. At the 'Weston Shelf' starboard buoy, Fl 3 G 15s, opposite Hythe Marina and backed by tall apartment flats onshore, there is only 100 metres of deep water inside the buoy.

Conspicuous tall apartment flats on the eastern shore backing Weston Shelf buoy
Image: Michael Harpur

Therefore, it is best to step out into the main fairway before this mark and pass all marks on their correct side northwards of it. Particularly, the 'Swinging Ground' starboard buoy opposite Dock Head, Oc G 4s, it must be passed to starboard, on its correct side, when entering the mouth of the River Itchen.

Swinging Ground buoy with the Itchen Bridge in the backdrop
Image: Michael Harpur

The RIVER ITCHEN: The area leading into the River Itchen is marked on the eastern side by closely spaced large green pile markers on the river bank's edge. The steep-to Eastern Docks and Empress Docks flank the western side. Above the Empress Dock, the head of Weston Jetty, set between the green pile marks and extending into the River from the opposite eastern side, also marks the edge of the shallows. Upon entering the mouth of the River Itchen, it is important to maintain a watchful eye for large vessels manoeuvring alongside the commercial quays on the port side.

Ocean Village Marina and the Itchen Bridge
Image: Michael Harpur

Immediately above the commercial docks, opposite the No. 4 pile marker, Fl G 4s, and a ¼ mile to the south of the Itchen Bridge, is Ocean Village Marina Click to view haven. Built into a basin formerly used by commercial ships, the marina is readily identifiable by red-roofed 'developer houses' on the east side of the River and a large sign just above the pilings.

The best water to be found when proceeding above the marina is on the east or starboard side on the approaches to the Itchen Bridge. The Itchen Bridge spans the River with an air draft of 23 metres under the middle arch. Upriver of the bridge, the channel turns to port, passing alongside the western shoreline. From this point, numerous wharves, jetties and pontoons will be seen on each side of the River. A sharp watch should be maintained at night for unlit moorings in the centre of the River.

Saint Mary's Football Stadium situated close to the river above The Itchen

Image: Peter Trimming via CC BY-SA 2.0

A chain of permanently moored mid-river barges, pontoons and boats mark the eastern side of the channel 300 metres northwest of the bridge. Behind these, the eastern shore is shoal drying to more than halfway between the shorelines. The channel now passes along the western shore close to Itchen Marina, run by a transport and logistics company with several tugs. Beyond this, the west side of the River is fronted by a sequence of docks and wharves where the water is relatively steep-to at their faces until Shamrock Quay Marina.

Shamrock Quay Marina
Image: Michael Harpur

Shamrock Quay Marina Click to view haven is located just over a ½ mile upriver from the bridge, on the west bank, close southwest of Millstone Point and opposite No. 5 pile marker, Fl G 3s. At night, lights are exhibited from its southwest and northeastmost pontoons and the complex is broadly floodlighted.

Shamrock Quay and the run up the river as seen from the north side of Millstone

Image: Michael Harpur

Above Shamrock Quay, the River wraps around Millstone Point, which Millstone Jetty fronts on the east side. The point is made conspicuous by its large crane that exhibits F.R. lights at night.

Millstone Point and Kemps Quay's midstream lower trot pontoon
Image: Michael Harpur

The opposite side of the river is marked by the midstream 'Lower Trot' pontoon of Kemps Quay off the eastern shore. This is situated between starboard Beacons No. 7, Fl(2)G.5s, and No. 9, Fl(4)G.10s. Together, these beacons and the mid-river pontoon designate the outer extremity of Chessel Bay, which largely dries at low tide along the eastern shore.

Continuing northward, between the unlit red pile mark No. 8 and lit green beacon No. 9, the River Itchen bends westward. Saxon Wharf Marina Click to view haven will be found about 150 metres to port on the southern shore, close northwest of Millstone Point, and the pontoons of Kemps Quay lie opposite on the north bank.

Saxon Wharf Marina
Image: Michael Harpur

Saxon Wharf Marina is about ½ miles above its MDL sister Shamrock Quay. It primarily focuses on large yachts but welcomes all visitors.

Kemps Quay with Northam Bridge visible upriver
Image: Michael Harpur

Immediately beyond Saxon Wharf is the small family-run marina of Kemps Quay Click to view haven that also receives visitors.

Northam Bridge spans the river a ¼ of a mile above these marinas with a 4 - 7 metre clearance. The River Itchen then dries about ¼ of a mile above the bridge.

The RIVER TEST: The River Test is dredged to 13.2 metres for about 3½ miles, as far as Marchwood, and 12.6 metres as far as the swinging ground at the top end of the container berths about a mile further. Above this, the river shoals rapidly and dries up to the Eling Channel and the well-sheltered Eling Basin.

Southampton Docks and the River Test
Image: M. J. Richardson via CC BY-SA 2.0

Cruise liner docks lie close to the city centre, on the starboard side of the River extending for two miles above Dock Head. Immediately outside Ocean Dock, a ⅓ of a mile above Dock Head, is the lower swinging ground of Ocean Terminal. This waterway is shared with the Fast Cat and the Hythe ferry services, which frequently shuttle back and forth to the Isle of Wight and Hythe, so maintain a careful watch for ferry and ship movements at this point.

Town Quay
Image: Michael Harpur

Less than a ¼ of a mile above Ocean Dock is the Town Quay Click to view haven with a marina in the historic heart of Southampton City's waterfront. It is an active commercial quay that is home to the terminal for the ferry service to the Isle of Wight and across the water to Hythe.

Beyond Town Quay, the river is dominated by large container docks on its northeast shore and industrial docks to the southwest. Maintain a careful watch for ships manoeuvring off the Western Docks or intending to use a turning circle located close northwest of Town Quay. There is ample water close outside the 'Cracknore' port hand buoy Oc. R. 8s and series of 'Swinging Ground' port marks if a ship happens to be manoeuvring.

At high water, there is also the option to step out of the deep water channel and into The Marchwood Channel, opening to the south 'Cracknore', to evade ships and take advantage of a slight cut. Marchwood Channel's depths range from 2.3 metres to 3.2 after Marchwood Basin. Its western end has as little as 0.4 metres LAT and is full of Marchwood Yacht Club moorings that a transiting vessel has to worm its way through.

Marchwood Yacht Club pontoon
Image: Michael Harpur

The large silver dome of the Marchwood incinerator, visible throughout the north end of Southampton Water, provides an excellent marker for the location of the Marchwood Yacht Club Click to view haven. The club's 'H' shaped pontoon lies 300 metres northwest of the dome, and there is another turning circle close north of the club pontoon.

The Eling Basin
Image: Michael Harpur

Continuing northwestward past Marchwood Yacht Club pontoon for just under a mile leads to the 'Eling' east cardinal buoy. The approaches to the 'Eling' east cardinal buoy have a minimum maintained depth of 12.6 metres of water, but it shallows immediately afterwards. The Eling Channel, which leads to the Eling Basin Click to view haven, dries 250 metres southeast of its entrance.


The complete course is 23.20 miles from the waypoint 'Whis Fairway Marker Buoy ' to 'Hythe Knock and the River Test' tending in a north north easterly direction (reciprocal south south westerly).

Whis Fairway Marker Buoy , 50° 38.312' N, 001° 38.834' W
This is close northeast of the safe water 'Whis Fairway' light-buoy L Fl.10s situated off the southwest end of the entrance to the Needles Channel. The port 'SW Shingles' light buoy and 'Bridge' west cardinal will be conspicuous to the northeast. Likewise, a directional light, bearing 041° T, of Hurst Point Light will be picked up to lead up through the seaward end of the channel.

       Next waypoint: 1.30 miles, course 41.98°T (reciprocal 221.98°T)

SW Shingles port light buoy, 50° 39.281' N, 001° 37.459' W
The ‘SW Shingles’ port light buoy fl. R. 2.5s, marks the southwest end of Shingles. The Shingles bank commences to the west of The Needles. From there it extends east by northeast for 3 miles to its northeast extremity that terminates about half a mile out from Hurst Beach. Its south-eastern face forms the northwest side of the Needles Channel.

       Next waypoint: 1.03 miles, course 50.12°T (reciprocal 230.12°T)

Bridge west cardinal, 50° 39.940' N, 001° 36.214' W
The ‘Bridge’, west cardinal VQ(9)10s, marks the western extremity of The Bridge. The Bridge reef extends up to ¾ of a mile, west-by-south, from the Needles Rocks and it has the least depth of 5.5 metres. This is the most dangerous point of the Needles channel where it is pinched between its two major dangers of The Bridge and the southwest tail of the Shingles.

       Next waypoint: 0.45 miles, course 56.05°T (reciprocal 236.05°T)

Shingles Elbow, 50° 40.194' N, 001° 35.619' W
At 'Shingles Elbow' port buoy Fl(2)R 5s, the Needles Channel opens up.

       Next waypoint: 2.61 miles, course 38.54°T (reciprocal 218.54°T)

Close South of The Trap, 50° 42.231' N, 001° 33.056' W
The Trap is a small spit of sand and gravel that varies considerably in height and extent. It causes rougher water immediately south of Hurst Castle. Expect some tidal streams from the convergence between the North Channel and Needles Channels on the approach to this waypoint.

       Next waypoint: 2.61 miles, course 45.31°T (reciprocal 225.31°T)

Lymington, 50° 44.066' N, 001° 30.124' W
This is on the 319½° T leading line, fixed red by night, that leads into the Lymington River which flows into the north side of The Solent through a saltmarsh. The small historic market and harbour town of Lymington is located on its east bank and is a major centre for sailing.

       Next waypoint: 6.11 miles, course 66.60°T (reciprocal 246.60°T)

Beaulieu River, 50° 46.484' N, 001° 21.265' W
This is set on the 324° T transit that sets up the ideal approach to the Beaulieu Dolphin and thence to the entrance of the Beaulieu River.

       Next waypoint: 1.32 miles, course 61.20°T (reciprocal 241.20°T)

NE Gurnard, 50° 47.121' N, 001° 19.432' W
This is close inside the 'NE Gurnard' port buoy Fl(3)R.10s, keeping just outside the marked channel of the 'Area of Concern'.

       Next waypoint: 1.00 miles, course 41.54°T (reciprocal 221.54°T)

Bourne Gap, 50° 47.868' N, 001° 18.385' W
This is close inside the 'Bourne Gap' port buoy FlR.3s, keeping just outside the marked channel of the 'Area of Concern'.

       Next waypoint: 0.69 miles, course 46.51°T (reciprocal 226.51°T)

Calshot Spit, 50° 48.345' N, 001° 17.589' W
This is on the correct side of a steel catamaran buoy with a steel lattice superstructure Fl.5s10M, keeping just inside the marked channel of the 'Area of Concern'. The catamaran always lies with the tide, enabling pilots bringing large ships into Southampton to see the tidal stream direction.

       Next waypoint: 0.39 miles, course 345.54°T (reciprocal 165.54°T)

Castle Point, 50° 48.720' N, 001° 17.742' W
This is close inside the 'Castle Point' port buoy QR.10s, keeping just outside the marked channel of the 'Area of Concern'.

       Next waypoint: 0.46 miles, course 334.34°T (reciprocal 154.34°T)

Black Jack, 50° 49.133' N, 001° 18.056' W
This is on the correct side of the 'Black Jack' port buoy QR.10s, keeping just inside the marked channel of the 'Area of Concern'.

       Next waypoint: 2.12 miles, course 320.35°T (reciprocal 140.35°T)

NE End of Fawley Marine Terminal, 50° 50.761' N, 001° 20.193' W
This is situated 300 metres northward of the northern end of the Fawley Power Marine Terminal. Be watchful for ship movements when passing.

       Next waypoint: 2.98 miles, course 310.20°T (reciprocal 130.20°T)

Hythe Marina Village, 50° 52.682' N, 001° 23.797' W
This is the approach to a well-marked short channel into Hythe Marina Village. The marina lies on the western shores and near the head of Southampton Water and is entered through a lock.

       Next waypoint: 0.13 miles, course 346.77°T (reciprocal 166.77°T)

Hythe Knock and the River Test, 50° 52.808' N, 001° 23.844' W
This is close inside the 'Hythe Knock' port buoy FlR.3s, keeping just outside the marked channel, leading into the River Test.

What is the best sailing time?
May to September is the traditional UK Sailing season with June-July offering the best weather. The amount of bad weather varies quite widely from year to year. The British Isles weather is highly variable because they are islands positioned between the Atlantic Ocean and a large land mass, continental Europe. As a result, the entire area lays under an area where five main air masses meet and alternate:

  • • Tropical Maritime Air Mass - from the Atlantic

  • • Polar Maritime Air Mass - from Greenland

  • • Arctic Maritime Air Mass

  • • Polar Continental Air Mass - from central Europe

  • • Tropical Continental Air Mass - from North Africa

The air masses can come in from any direction bringing with them all types of weather and where they meet they create weather fronts. Fine summer weather is typically punctuated by the passage of Atlantic depressions bringing periods of strong wind and rain, and sometimes poor visibility.

Gales, however, rarely cause surprises as they are usually forecasted well in advance. Good weather windows of 48 hours are easy to predict but any longer than that there's an increasing chance of change. Winters see a predominance of wind and rain, but the protected waters of The Solent are enjoyed by many weekenders who like the offseason reduction of boating activity and berthing fees.

Across the British Isles, the prevailing winds are from the southwest. The Solent, however, is subject to a high degree of local heating. In the western Solent, the sea breeze effect can be strong enough to reverse a northeast Beauford Force 3 morning wind and turn it into a south-westerly Force 4 by early afternoon. The results of the heating of the Isle of Wight is much less than that of the mainland, but it leads to more variable and lighter winds than on its northern side.

Are there any security concerns?
Never an issue has been known to occur to a vessel cruising waters of The Solent or the shores Isle of Wight.

With thanks to:
eOceanic Research

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Nab Tower
Image: 27col via CC BY-SA 4.0

Container ship passing between No Man's Land and Horse Sand Forts
Image: Rob Farrow via CC BY-SA 2.0

St. Catherine's Point Lighthouse
Image: Andy Roberts via CC BY-SA 2.0

Saint Catherine’s Point Lighthouse on the southern extremity of the Isle of

Image: Jaapkievit via CC BY-SA 2.0

Dolphin and starboard pile marking main passage cutting through the Horse Sand
Fort to Southsea submerged barrier

Image: Michael Harpur

Smaller boat passage east of the head of South Parade Pier
Image: Ian Stannard via CC BY-SA 2.0

North end of the Horse Sand Fort to Southsea submerged barrier with both
passages visible

Image: Michael Harpur

Gilkicker Fort as seen from within The Solent
Image: Michael Harpur

The prominent Tennyson’s Cross monument
Image: Mike Russell

Clay cliffs approaching Atherfield
Image: Just Another Caulkhead via CC BY 2.00

After Freshwater Bay the white cliffs begin to merge into a shore of clay and

Image: Peter Trimming via CC BY-SA 2.0

Stokes Bay
Image: Michael Harpur

Ventnor's small and enclosed rock armoured harbour
Image: Mike Russell via CC BY-SA 2.0

Sandown Bay from Culver Down
Image: Paul Coueslant via CC BY-SA 2.0

Culver Cliff as seen from Sandown Beach
Image: Michael Harpur

Whitecliff Bay
Image: Michael Harpur

St. Helen's Fort as seen from the shore
Image: Michael Harpur

Bembridge Ledge east cardinal mark
Image: Michael Harpur

Bembridge Auxiliary Lifeboat Station at low water
Image: Alex Liivet via CC BY 2.0

Bembridge Harbour
Image: Michael Harpur

Priory Bay on a busy summer weekend
Image: Michael Harpur

Sea View Yacht Club and slipway at Nettlestone Point
Image: Michael Harpur

Nettlestone Point to Ryde at low water
Image: Phillip Capper via CC BY-SA 2.0

Horse Sand Fort marking the eastern boundary of Spithead
Image: Michael Harpur

N Sturbridge north cardinal marker
Image: Ian Paterson via CC BY-SA 2.0

Southsea Castle with its lighthouse as seen from the east
Image: geni via CC ASA 4.0

Ryde Pier as seen from the west
Image: Michael Harpur

Portsmouth a modern city built upon its historic ties to the sea
Image: Ian Stannard via CC BY-SA 2.0

Spithead as seen over the entrance to Portsmouth Harbour
Image: Martin Robson

Hill Head Harbour
Image: Michael Harpur

Browndown starboard buoy with Horse Sand Fort in the backdrop
Image: Michael Harpur

East Bramble cardinal mark leads the way into the North Channel
Image: Simon P Springett via CC BY-SA 2.0

The small drying Ryde Harbour to the east of Ryde Pier
Image: Michael Harpur

Wootton Creek
Image: Michael Harpur

Laying to anchor Ryde Roads
Image: Michael Harpur

Osborne Bay
Image: Michael Harpur

Norris Castle overlooking the eastern approaches Cowes and the River Medina
Image: Michael Harpur

High and precipitous chalky cliffs continue from The Needles to Freshwater Bay
Image: Michael Harpur

Ryde Pier as seen from the west
Image: Michael Harpur

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