What is the issue?
A bucket is an invaluable resource on any vessel. However they are unwieldy to store and metal buckets are prone to damage both themselves, or anything they come in contact with. They also rust quickly. A plastic bucket is an alternative but they are rarely strong enough for a long life aboard a yacht.Why address this?
Solving this problem is more than helpful as a bucket is a useful addition to any boat. It is useful anytime you wish to draw up water from the bay/ocean/river/lake, and is constantly used for washing mud off the foredeck after weighing anchor and for washing down the cockpit, deck. Having a neat solution could save damage, space, and is a welcolme convenience.How to address this?

Drawing: Tony Gibson
A canvas bucket is ideal as, like a plastic bucket, a bucket made out of canvas will not scratch the topsides or deck. But unlike a plastic bucket, it’s easy to store because it collapses and the handle won’t break or become unattached. You can integrate a long retrieval line which doesn’t foul anything else as it can be stored in the bucket. A canvas bucket will not be entirely watertight, but you can take advantage of the slow leak through the fabric if you wish to dribble water on something. They also make ideal tool bags when working on the boat or going up the mast in the bosun's chair
Canvas buckets can be bought at most chandlers. But, if you happen to have a sewing machine, and can find a reasonably sized plastic hoop, or make two boltropes, plus some durable canvas offcuts you can manufacture it yourself quite easily.

Images: Tony Gibson
With thanks to:
Michael Harpur, Yacht Obsession.Add your review or comment:
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