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A simple way to keep crockery secure and quiet

1 comment

What is the issue?
A boat in motion is not a friendly habitat for crockery. It needs to be stowed in secure and tailored seats to prevent it falling about and breaking. These seats need to be a snug fit that is tailored to the specific crockery aboard. Otherwise, the crockery will slide and shuffle about creating an irksome noise below decks.

Why address this?
On a long rolling leg the rhythmic noise caused by the crockery sliding about can be hard on the nerves, particularly for the off-watch crew who are trying to rest down below. Securely stored crockery will also provide a lifetime of service.

How to address this?
The simplest technique to tailor fittings for a specific set of crockery is the traditional peg and board approach.

Simple 'dowel and pegboard' method of storing crockery
Photo: Michael Harpur

All that is required is a small saw, and a drill and wood bit sized to suit an accompanying dowel rod. Then it just takes a short amount of time to create a board that keeps crockery snug fitting, secure and quiet.

With thanks to:
Michael Harpur, Yacht Obsession.
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Lee Gunter wrote this review on Jan 6th 2018:
Tins in the locker rolling around make sleep nearly impossible. Wrapping them with perforated plastic matting not only stops the noise and is cheap, it also does not hold water/moisture against the tin/can but also prevents rusting. In the galley, all types of noise can be stopped/eliminated by using this inexpensive and re-useable product.

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