What is the issue?
Clothes wrinkles are caused by too much compression or items being able to shift and settle. A cruising crews' clothes are usually packed into tight lockers or crew bags and there is a lot of potential for movement. The result is a very creased look when going ashore.Why address this?
Cruising is a very informal and casual lifestyle. However, very occasionally, one has to go ashore and mix with people that have a less creased aspect to life and one has to make an effort.How to address this?
Most compression bags cause more wrinkles than they resolve. The specially designed 'Eagle Creek Pack-It' garment folders crucially come with a useful folding card, which helps to efficiently stack clothes securely and keeps them looking sharp.
Photo: Courtesy of Eagle Creek
After unpacking, most ‘civilised’ clothes also feel better after hanging them for some time before wearing them. If you have already filled any existing hanging lockers with shelving, placing a convenient rod over the fo'c'sle berth is a good alternative. This allows for that straightening hanging behind closed doors and doesn't clutter up the main cabin. If the rail is sturdy it can double as a handy grab rail for when turning in.

Photo: Tony Gibson
With thanks to:
Michael Harpur, Yacht Obsession.Add your review or comment:
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