What is the issue?
Extended cruises require more than a typical yacht's fuel tank can cater for, and it is often the case that a few particular legs of an extended cruise require an excessive amount of motoring and therefore fuel. Capacity can be augmented with ‘Jerry Cans’ but these consume valuable space. Then when the cans are not serving a purpose the bulky empty containers still have to be stored.Why address this?
Boat space is critical but having the flexibility of additional diesel capacity on tap is more than useful to extend your reach.How to address this?
Utilise collapsible fuel containers to extend fuel storage. We are all familiar with augmenting fuel capacity by using traditional Jerry Cans as the typical 'go-to solution. But the problem with these cans is that they are unwieldy and take up a vast amount of space when they are empty and not required.
Photo: Courtesy of WILD PLANET
A neat and vastly superior alternative is the fuel bladder/flexible storage tank Collapsible Fuel Jerry. They are made from durable re-enforced Polyurethane/Thermal Plastics that are puncture resistant, light-weight and are fully certified to hold fuel. The primary difference is that the collapsible fuel containers compress into a fraction of their space, a 20-litre collapsible Jerry folds down to approx A4 size, that makes them easy to pack away when they are not needed.
Whilst on passage the main tank can be continuously replenished from the individual collapsible containers, and they can then be folded away. This reduces the amount of space taken up by the additional fuel storage as you go, only making it an inconvenience during the initial part of the voyage. Having this additional capacity available to magically materialise on demand without any major inconvenience:-
- • Enables a vessel to fill up when fuel is available, reliable and economical.
- • Has the additional motoring range on tap to allow a passage to continue if becalmed.
- • Makes use of the shortest route to a destination if a weather window opens up.
- • Avoids a port call to refuel with the associated schedule delay.
- • Avoids manhandling large and unwieldy jerry cans on route.

Photo: Courtesy of WILD PLANET
The only downside to Collapsible Fuel Jerrys is their price. They are typically 4x the price of a standard Jerry Can. But if you are not budget constrained they are well worth it as they provide for the best of both worlds. The vessel can dramatically increase its carrying capacity when required and yet not suffer the reduction in space when not.
For those budget constrained and needing to increase a peak fuel storage capacity requirement, there is an alternate low-cost fuel storage capacity enlargment approach that requires just a little work.
With thanks to:
Michael Harpur, Yacht Obsession.Add your review or comment:
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