What is the issue?
A vessel's tiller does not always reach to the most comfortable, or optimal, position for steering.Why address this?
Adding a tiller extension will allow the helmsman to obtain the best view or most comfortable steering position. This helps to reduce strain, increase performance and the enjoyment of helming. But marine grade tiller extensions can be prohibitively expensive and especially hard to justify when they are only used on rare occasions.How to address this?
A very simple tiller extension can be made with a domestic plastic water pipe and length of line as presented below.
Photo: Tony Gibson
If you wish to enhance the idea it can be developed further by adding a jamming cleat to the bottom of the tiller, for added tension, and a 'monkey's fist' knot at the end makes for a better helmsman's grip.
With thanks to:
Michael Harpur, Yacht Obsession.Add your review or comment:
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