England Ireland Find Havens
England Ireland Find Routes


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Personal portable light for close hand work in the dark
When working on decks during hours of darkness the old sea maxim of ‘one hand for the boat, one hand for your life’ becomes most strained when it is most needed, there is no free hand to hold a torchlight. This forces most people to hold a small penlight in their mouth to provide some directional illumination.

Protecting windows and portholes during heavy weather conditions
Hull openings, hatches and so on are vulnerable in storm conditions. Should the vessel fall badly off a wave, or a heavy broaching wave should fall directly upon the window, it is possible for the weight of water could smash or drive a window or porthole through, letting in great volumes of solid water.

Guaranteed daily drinking water for deep ocean passages
Freshwater is a necessity for life aboard a vessel. Humans need approximately a ½ litre of water per day to survive and 2 litres to avoid thirst. One of the worst deep ocean fears is to run out of drinking water. Should the vessels main water tank leak, accidentally pump itself out or become contaminated, there is an immediate danger to life. Worse, if the crew have to enter a life raft, providing an adequate amount of drinking water to sustain life becomes challenging to the extreme.

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