What is the issue?
Dishwashing is a less than pleasant daily chore at the best of times and a bane whilst passage making. Not only is water typically restricted but there is no safe place to set the tableware down before drying.Why address this?
Because of this limitation, dishwashing typically pins down two crew members, one to wash, and one to dry each item and hold it for proper storage. Reducing this to the work of one, or indeed making this chore easier and safer to use for normal (non-break resistant) tableware, can make daily life aboard much more pleasant.How to address this?
If you are thinking of making any special fitting arrangement down below decks for crockery, include a self-draining capability for the tableware storage shelves.
Photo: Tony Gibson
When washed all the crockery can be stored directly into its storage point, and self-drain and dry of its own accord. Tight shock cord can be used to hold them solidly in place so there are no rattles and, once dry, cloths can be wedged in to stop any further chatter.
With thanks to:
Michael Harpur, Yacht Obsession.Add your review or comment:
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